I'm not sure how much more fucking clear I can be on this.
I've asked you, time and time again, as a courtesy to me, to not archive these types of threads. The content isn't allowed on /d/ and it isn't allowed here. Since you just can't seem to understand that, let me give you a pictorial walkthrough of the content we want in the archive:
 Animal-girls are a traditional staple of /d/, and are totally allowed.
 Furries. Ugh. Just the sight of this abomination makes me ill.
 Girl-animals such as nagas are likewise not only permitted, but encouraged. Dem scales...
 Aagh! That's even worse, take it away! Never, ever, ever!
 Where would we be without bestiality? This one barely needs comment!
 Oh go fuck yourself.
Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion cluttering my precious, sticky archives, keeping them clean and untarnished by this filth, and instead full of
proper filth.

Guys, what have I told you about archiving these worthless discussion threads? The archives are supposed to be for image dumps, not deep and insightful conversations. We need more fap material! No one wants to read about your ideal waifu or a physics discussion about giant anime babes!