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Alright, time for some writefaggotry that really shouldn't have seen the light of day, but whatever. In short, as per >>26411857, I bring you the beginnings of the tale of one T'riss Treewae and Adeon Pellietier, a Kabalite and Agri-World Plantation owner, respectively. The goal is to explore the concept that, perhaps, there can in fact be a "gentle" Dark Eldar, one who isn't obsessed with the anguish and torture of others. While I don't expect this be of any real merit, I did promise I'd share what I have.

Of note, before I begin, I don't expect this to be a fap-fic. The most lewd you're going to get is a kiss or two down the line, so sorry if that's what you came in here looking for. Also, not that it matters, but I sorta imagined pic-related (minus wings) as what T'riss might look like.

Wiping the sweat from his brow that had accumulated from a hard day’s work, Adeon stared at the heavens above the Pellietier plantation as he took his customary place under the apple tree. The light from the red giant was slowly dimming on this section of Sehella, allowing the faint twinkle of countless other stars to begin pulsing against the darkness of the void. As Adeon allowed his gaze and thoughts to wander, he begin envisioning shapes forming between the celestial objects above. Though his parents never cared to teach him anything more than what was required to run the plantation, the inquisitive mind that normally hid behind a simpleton-like drawl couldn’t help but wonder what mysteries the heavens contained.
Losing all track of time, Adeon soon found his comfortable spot growing cold, and the plantation around him turning into a myriad of shadowy stalks that waived in the light breeze. Shaking his head, he stood, dusting himself off as he began to head back to the house. Taking one last look at the stars above, he couldn’t help but notice a single star in particular. Something about it seemed off, and, the longer he stared, he realized why: it was growing. Frozen in a mixture of terror and wonder, Adeon watched as the plummeting, unknown mass streaked overhead, disappearing on the horizon with a muffled thunder. Shortly thereafter, he could feel a small rumble beneath his feet, which had the added effect of snapping him back to his senses.

Running to the rustic shed to the left of the two-story house, Adeon quickly flung open the doors to gaze at the ATV inside. Though it was nothing special, merely a civilian-variant of the Tauros, it would get him to where he needed to go. With a quick swipe of his hand over the hook where the keys hung, followed by a swift slide over the hood of the ATV, Adeon found himself taking the wheel and rocketing out of the shed. Something had fallen onto his serene Agri-World, something alien and unknown, and he was determined to find out what it was…

Searing jolts of pain throughout her entire body was the first sensation that T’riss became aware of. Each breath threatened to send her back into the haze of unconsciousness, cementing the fact that whatever had happened to her was far worse than the normal sorts of injuries she was used to getting on Commorragh. Forcing herself to remain calm, as per her training that had begun shortly after birth, T’riss began testing her limbs, as if only to assure herself that they were still attached. Neither her arms, nor legs, could do naught but twitch, with any attempts to move her torso being met with cries of distress from her shattered bones and bruised organs. Steeling herself, she opened her eyes, wanting to see her slayer before her life was fully extinguished.

Rather than a weapon held in front of her face, or a towering figure, T’riss came to stare at a wooden ceiling. The bare-bones architecture exposed the rafters, which cast shadows in the flickering light, given off by a lantern somewhere outside her field of vision. If it were possible to frown without wincing, she would have done so, resigning herself to a soft sigh instead. Wherever she was, it was safe, for the time being. Closing her eyes, she suddenly came to realize what the surface below her was: a bed. Though she had the covering of a blanket made of some crude material, she could feel that she was naked, save for what must have been wrappings and stints across her chest and ligaments. Whoever had gone to the trouble of caring for her was obviously an idiot, though, as the bindings were a hand’s width lower than they should have been.

As T’riss found her frustration growing at her current state, her ears began working once more, bringing the soft sound of drizzle against a window into her realm of awareness. Something about it was oddly soothing, and soon the silver-haired Kabalite found her mind drift away from the anguish of defeat. Regardless of her “caretaker’s” incompetence, they had at least managed to keep her alive, for which T’riss was grateful. Though, in her experience, half-born like her were only kept alive to be used as slaves, or worse. Why, then, was she here resting on a bed, rather than hanging in the hold of a ship? Try as she might, the memories of the past few days eluded her, adding to her underlying anger at being useless. Though, any proper warrior knew which battles to fight, and the one currently waged by her mind against the pull of slumber was one she could not afford.

A sharp thud and reverberation through the bed woke T’riss, which ensued by a muttered curse and clattering of tools against the floor. Her first thought was of the sheer embarrassment of being tortured by a clumsy fool, though that quickly faded as a strange language drifted into her ears: Low Gothic, the language used by the Mon-Keighs. No Eldar, dark or otherwise, would stain their tongue with the filth when among their own kind, but this brought a whole new slew of concerns to the front of her mind. Why would a mon-keigh, a human, be caring for her? Had she been captured so as to be a source of information on her people? A sacrifice to their corpse emperor? A play-thing? None of these brought comfort, least of all the later. But, much as she wished she could do otherwise, there was naught T’riss could do but listen, and wait.

Adeon found himself cursing as his big toe slammed into the bedpost, causing the medical kit to go sailing out of his hands and splaying its’ contents over the floor. Though this had been his original room, before he took over the plantation proper, he still somehow managed to be just as clumsy around it back then. As the pain subsided, Adeon began muttering to himself, “S’good thing she’s not awake. Reckon I might look a right fool right now.” After reassembling the kit’s contents into their proper container, he came to regard his patient proper. She was an odd one, but, then again, most women falling from the stars would be. His upbringing hadn’t been the most pious, but Adeon couldn’t help but wonder if this being was one of those saints his father had talked about. She was certainly striking enough to be an angel, but something about those pointed ears and angled features didn't seem quite right to him. Regardless, she was his charge for the time being, and her bandages needed replacing.

Much to her dismay, T’riss found her covering removed, followed by the sensation of firm hands removing the bandages around her chest. This was it, she thought, the disgusting mon-keigh was going to violate her, much like they always did to those women they captured in the stories told by her parents. She wanted to cry out, offer some resistance, but the pain of her injuries only allowed her to emit a sharp gasp as the last of the bandages was removed. “Hrm… that rib a’int healin’ proper-like, wonder if I should take her to see a real doc,” the sub-eldar spoke, causing T’riss to momentarily feel a twang of frustration. “Of course it’s not healing right, you idiot, I’m not a mon-keigh. You need to set it higher,” is what she wanted to say, but couldn’t, due to a mixture of fear and pain. The human sighed, and began dabbing something wet against her side, each application of the light pressure sending a twinge of sensation up her spine. Once the wound was “clean,” new bandages were carefully wrapped around her, before the process was repeated on her arms and legs. All the while, she could do nothing but lay there, faking unconsciousness, hoping that this embarrassment would end quickly.

And that's as far as I've gotten. You may now commencing the yelling of faggot.
Don't be too harsh on yourself anon, all writefaggotry is welcome.
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>And that's as far as I've gotten. You may now commencing the yelling of faggot.
I like it. I want more. You are not a faggot, except for a writefag, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm REALLY glad I was in that thread, even if my GentleDEldar post didn't bring this about.
>You may now commencing the yelling of faggot.


thanks for reminding me of another writefag writing about DEldar

where the fuck did Creed of Heresy go?

Sadly, he got banned!
yeah but i didnt think he got permabaned, and he said that was no worry for him

he said he would keep writing in the 1d4 article and has yet to...
Wait, is this the guy who kept posting the Fall of Lilith Hesperax every single fucking day?
there were 2 threads over the course of a week...
>And that's as far as I've gotten

Well don't stop now, keep going, you're just getting to the good bits
Don't see much how this is gentle, she'd still get up as kill the shit out of him unless you pulled a Tsundere out of the bag, but that'd be fucking retarded and you'd be retarded if you did that.

That was Creed, yeah.

Will write more in a bit.
shes been remarkable gentle for a DEldar so far
That's probably because she's injured, and she's hardly being gentle, she's being asleep
if she was a regular DEldar she would be raping the flayed remains of his femur by now...

While overall she might lean tsundere, it won't be "ohimsogladyouhealedmehavemybabiesbutistillhateyou" sort of deal. See how it plays out, but continue the cry of faggot. Off to write~
If she was a "regular" DEldar, they'd get up and kill him, and then heal themselves.
This DEldar however seems to think doing that is a bad idea, or simply lacks the strength to do it, in which case if she does lack the strength, then a normal DEldar wouldn't do anything either.
God why.
DEldar are people of acceptance, even after what they did brought about Slaanesh, they decided, fuck it, they were gonna continue to do it because it's fun.
In light of that, one DEldar would be able to accept the dere part of Tsundere very easily.
...and in order to continue to do the fun things they have to be assholes to every other living being they meet.
Aside from other DEldar, harlequins, and some Eldar, and most of the inhabitants of their city that don't piss them off, yeah you're right.
What of it?
That I wouldn't exactly describe them as 'people of acceptance'?
Moreso than the imperium, normal eldar, orks, chaos, and basically everybody else.
Look at their city for example, it isn't only completely filled with DEldar, there's hundreds of other races inhabiting the place.

It took the better part of an hour to re-dress most of her wounds, by which time the rain had ceased falling. After setting the medical kit aside, Adeon strode over to the window and threw it open, bringing in a myriad of scents on the breeze. Rather than leave his charge without company, he decided to remain and keep a small vigil, in case she regained consciousness. After all, he knew how frightened he’d be to wake up in some stranger’s home, and it just wouldn’t be very gentlemanly to leave a gal like her to fret alone. Thus, he removed himself from the room for a moment, returning shortly with a chair and book from downstairs. Angling himself so as to face out the window, Adeon leaned back and began his sojourn.

T’riss debated with herself whether to chance opening her eyes, knowing that the moment the human noticed, she’d more than likely be brought to his superiors and tortured. That was what she had been told from her first breath, that these apes were savage, incapable of decency. Such was why her kin raided their supply shipments and worlds so often – why allow such a blight on the universe to continue unabated? She knew what she had to do, and could feel enough strength in her arms to know that it would be enough for the task ahead. All that was left was to catch her captor unawares, which, judging by the sudden snoring that permeated the room, would be easy.

Snapping her eyes open, gritting her teeth for the onrush of pain, T’riss turned her head about the room, coming to face Adeon in his chair. Pushing herself up slowly, she gauged the distance between the bed and her opponent. Yes, she could make it, though only if her legs cooperated. Unfortunately, both were bound in splints, leaving the only option to swing them out, hoping the momentum would allow her to rock upright. Sitting up was strain enough, she would only get one shot at this.

Adeon’s dreams of grox grazing were interrupted by the sensation of being hauled upright and leaned out of the window. Adrenaline already coursing through his veins in response, he came to, ready to fight off his attacker. But, as his eyes ceased to water and his vision blur, he realized that his assailant was none other than the woman. Yet, something was wrong, more so than the fact he was hanging-half out the window, the only thing keeping him from falling being her grasp on his shirt. Her eyes seemed to pool with liquid as the rest of her frame began to tremble. His first thought was that she had hurt herself in the exertion, but suddenly he found himself flung onto the floor, the woman dropping to the ground, weeping.

(Psychoanalysts, get your chairs ready)
'People of acceptance' implies liberal or progressive values, which slavery and torture aren't.
Compared to anyone else in the setting, and what they were beforehand, DEldar embody acceptance far more than anyone else in the setting.
And to be honest, in 40k, they probably have the best progressive values to those who can actually find their city, sure you're not getting a hug, and if you piss of the Kabal leader on a bad day you'll get killed, but Christ, at least you won't HERESY'd by the imperium, slowly fucked and sterilised by the Tau, chaos is self explanatory, and who else would take you in?
Aside from Orks if you paint yourself green and fight good.
Progressive from our point of view, of course.
Well, grim dark 40k dude.
Nothing compares to our values.
moar moar moar

(And this is where I either fall on my face or shit works)

“Why?! WHY CAN’T YOU KILL HIM?” T’riss screamed at herself, as the tears cascaded down her cheeks, her face hidden behind her silvery locks. When she had grabbed Adeon, memories had come cascading down on her, overwhelming what little mental strength she had remaining. The first was of her teenage years: She was 18, leaving the slaving pens of her family on Commorragh, after her first “feeding.” She had been prepared for that moment for many a year, for it would be the means by which she would keep her eternal youth. Nothing had gone wrong, not on the surface, at least: she picked a slave that had seemed fitting, and proceeded to drink his soul after performing a myriad of techniques to make it ripe with terror. The problem was that terror now seemed to permeate her veins, leaving T’riss shivering in fear.

The images whirled, and then she was with her Kabal, receiving instructions from the Sybarite who was gracious enough to take her under his wing. Yet, she had no respect for this man, a lesson which the Sybarite chose to teach by hauling her up by her neck, choking the life out of her. As he went on and on about the values of loyalty and devotion to him, T’riss couldn’t help but recall the very first soul she had ever tasted, that same terror returning and leaving her powerless. Just as she had consigned herself to death, the hand which had been around her throat was removed, leaving her gasping for air as her “comrades” had a laugh at her expense.

Adeon stayed where he landed, trying his best to think of something to say. Try as he might, nothing came to mind, leaving him staring rather dumbly in silence at the being before him. A small part of his mind offered a suggestion, “Her problems ain’t yours. She just tried to kill you! Should be getting’ rid of her post haste like.” Yet, Adeon couldn’t bring himself to throw a defenseless gal like her out into the fields alone, with not another soul for hundreds of kilometers. So there he sat, waiting for T’riss to make the next move.
…the hatch blasted open, screams of terror and anger from the Mon’Keighs inside reaching her team’s ears. These were followed shortly by laser bursts from pathetic weaponry that did not even graze their armor, which allowed them to proceed unhindered. For a passenger ship, they were rather well armed, but maybe they were just getting smart about it. This thought amused T’riss for a moment, before she tossed it aside and proceeded before her kin. The job was simple: locate a human girl, then ransom her off to her noble-blooded father for supplies. They had done this before to great success, though it was T’riss first time being on point. After dispatching the humans in the green armor, tossing their flayed corpses aside like napkins, they had combed the ship, searching for the target.

T’riss was the first to find her, cowering behind tanks of coolant in the engine room. After coddling the ape out into the open, she quickly bound it and began dragging it towards the designated meeting spot. As they passed by the airlocks to the escape pods, T’riss’ prisoner began writhing against her bonds, eyes frantically darting about in a desperate attempt to escape. After staring at the target’s eyes, the terror within them caused something in T’riss to break, and she found herself letting go of the lead to her subject, who promptly dove into the nearest pod and departed. Standing dumbfounded by her own actions, T’riss turned to find herself face to face with her Sybarite, who had witnessed the entire affair.

What followed was a haze of pain, blurred motions, and the sound of explosions. The memories finally stopped, and T’riss was able to regain a semblance of self. Weak. She was weak. She allowed “morals” and “compassion” to stay her hand, and now she was worse than an outcast. For all intents and purposes, she would be assumed dead, but the shame of her acts would follow her to the grave, even if it was a shallow one. Wiping her face of the accumulated tears, she became aware of an outstretched hand – the human’s, “S’alright now. I ain’t mad. Let’s get ya back up into bed.” T’riss turned, eyeing his face for any signs of deception, finding none. It was then that her body decided to revolt against consciousness, sending her reeling into the darkness of a pain-induced slumber. Her last act, before giving into the void, was to reach out her hand, weakly.

And that's the end of part one, partly because I need food, and partly because I need to think where to go from here. Cliches everywhere, I know.
COMSUME and then continue to write friend

I await.

Well, I'm back. I have an idea for part two, but I'm debating whether it's too cheesy/predictable. Course, given that I still don't think I successfully communicated how T'riss "broke," take that as you will.
>but I'm debating whether it's too cheesy/predictable

Write it first, then let us decide

Welp, here's your chance.

T’riss found herself staring out of the window, the curtains blowing ever so slightly in the cool breeze. It had been two weeks since her…death. In the time since, she had only spoken enough to communicate how to properly bind her injuries, much to the dismay of her caretaker. But what he felt hardly concerned T’riss, given that she hardly understood herself. By the end of the first week, she had healed enough to no longer need Adeon’s assistance in changing the bandages and visiting the restroom, and he quickly gave her the space she seemed to silently cry out for. Occasionally, he would stop in to bring her food, or shout up to her window from outside. For the most part, however, T’riss was left alone, mentally tearing herself to pieces, the only betrayal of which was a small frown on her face.

Luckily for Adeon, his guest’s arrival coincided with the end of the harvest season, heading into the colder months. This left him with very little to do to maintain the plantation, and just as well, given that he only had a few servitors to rely on, other than himself. That was how it was done though, ever since he lost his entire family ten years ago, thusly leaving him the sole inheritor of the generational estate. He managed, somehow, mostly through the sweat on his brow and the sun on his back. The one thing all the manual labor did for him was allow time to think, and Adeon did not waste a second of it.

On the second weekend, Adeon went on a trip to the nearby outpost, some 250 kilometers away. There, he did his best to find out what little there was to know about the mysterious woman in his care. Much to be expected, only one other person had even noticed the escape pod coming down, and that was his neighbor, who assumed it was simply a meteorite. No ships had been in the area recently, leaving Adeon wondering how long T’riss might have been drifting through the void. He wasn’t exactly the most knowledgeable when it came to anything that wasn’t his plantation, but he knew enough to guess that it might have been weeks. No human he knew of could survive with those injuries for so long, and it didn’t seem wise to tell anyone else such. “Maybe she’s a right saint after all,” he thought to himself, “and if that’s the case, I’d be doin’ the Emperor a mighty disservice to let an angel frown like that.”

Returning to the plantation, Adeon was slightly surprised to find T’riss hadn’t moved an inch. He had half-expected her to run away, given the look of guilt that she’d given him when he told her about his departure. That evening, rather than departing immediately after bringing her dinner, he remained with her, taking up the chair by the window with his book in hand. Opening it to somewhere in middle, he began telling T’riss a story, one of a man with two souls, each fighting for control of his body.

At first, T’riss barely registered the fact that the mon’keigh was reading to her, lost in another spiral argument with herself over how pathetic she was as she picked at the meal in front of her. Something about Mr. Nyde caught her interest, though, and she soon found herself listening with rapt attention as Adeon carried on. However, something bothered her, and she couldn’t figure out what it was until she noticed that the human hadn’t changed the page he was on for some time. In fact, as she stared closer, it might have been the same page he started on. Yet, there he was, staring down at the page, reading off text that could not possibly be contained on those two pages.

“H…How are you doing that?” she whispered, surprising herself just as much as she did Adeon, the latter of which nearly jumped out of his chair. Turning to face her with a smile, “Ah, ya mean readin’?” She nodded, staring into his eyes with an unwavering gaze. “To tell ya the honest truth, I can’t actually read. I just have a real good memory, and I sorta remember stories better when I hold their books.” This was met with silence, which began to stretch into awkwardness before T’riss put out her right hand, motioning for the book. Looking between her and the book, Adeon gingerly placed it on her palm, of which she slowly drew back to regard the title proper. It was then she again did something neither of them expected: she laughed.

“It’s Mr. HYDE, not Nyde. You really weren’t kidding, were you?” she giggled, for some reason finding it simply hysterical. At first, Adeon’s mouth opened to retort, but then he joined in with her laughter, “No ma’am, couldn’t even tell ya if it was even the right book till ya checked.” Rolling her eyes, she began leafing through the pages, trying to find where he had left off, “You also got Hyde and Jekyll reversed, maybe your memory’s not that great after all.” This actually did produce a frown from Adeon this time, and something about it made T’riss’ stomach fill with dread. Sighing, she quickly closed the book and motioned to give it back, “Sorry.” “S’alright, suppose you being a saint and all, I must look mighty dumb to you.”

This gave her a moment’s pause – a saint? He thought she was some part of their misguided corpse god’s court? Well, if that’s what was keeping her alive, far be it from her to correct him, “Only slightly, but you show promise, mon’keigh.” “Mon’keigh?” “It’s a word we saints use to describe you common folk.” “Ah, I see. Makes sense, bet you have names for lotsa things and people like that.” As they stared at one another in the following silence, Adeon found himself shaking his head and standing, making to leave hurriedly, “Sorry if I bothered you, ma’am.” Just before he closed the door behind him, she found herself calling out after him, “Um… could you leave the book?”

^ End of the rather short part two, mostly because I feel that's probably enough for one day. Maybe more tomorrow if people care for me to continue.
>Maybe more tomorrow if people care for me to continue.

Do please, we can always use more writefaggotry
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I like where this is headed.
As do I.
Go for it. This is actually not terrible. Enjoying it. The first sentence feels kind of run-on. You may or may not wish to split that into two.

I end up debating with myself half the time whether my sentences need less commas or more periods. Yes there is a difference.

In other news, what do I need to do more of? What less of?
Totally understandable. When I'm getting sleepy my sentences end up with way too many comas. A good rule of thumb may be this- if you find that four or five sentences in a row ALL have comas then it could be mixed up a little.

More of? Content. Just vomit it out. There wasn't anything jarring when I read through it so far, so it's totes fine. Only thing that you could maybe work on is sentence variation.

First paragraph in here, all the sentences pretty follow the same structure. Action-comma-description. Action-coma-description. Could prolly do with less commas too.

Still great so far. Going to reiterate that it's been an enjoyable read, and that you're a better writer than myself. Keep at it.

Fair point, I guess it's just easier for me to write that way. I do make a conscious effort to vary transitions and descriptors, but apparently not variation of structure. I'll look into switching things up in the future.
>what do I need to do more of?
Please. PLEASE. I need more.

Maybe later, if I have time before my Black Crusade game, I'll write a quick part 3.

In the mean time, someone who's better with titles come up with one. I'll pick one I like later.

Dark Saint?

Fallen from grace?

Farmer and the Wych?

Wraithbone to plowshares?

Heresy in the Wheat?
T'riss' Delight: Mindless Smut Exploring the Boundaries of Slaanesh
I'm sorry it hurt (When you fell from heaven.)
Fall from Heaven

Well, if anything, you've somehow managed to make try and come up with a snazzy title ala Spice and Wolf (Sorry, my /a/ is showing). If I had to pick one of those, 4th one best strikes my fancy atm.

Part three will not be long, but it will definitely be the last section for today. No idea how many parts there will be, probably depends more on my sleep schedule/free time than anything else.

Also because apparently I'm beginning to accidentally words. Clearly I need a nap prior to DM'ing later tonight.
Don't worry, Spice And Wolf is clearly related to everything.

Does anybody know the artist of OP's picture?

I'd love to see more of his/her stuff.

I think I just grabbed it from a /v/ thread awhile back, Reverse image is failing me too. Sorry :(

My. Hyde turned out to be a far more intriguing mon’keigh than T’riss had expected. Though the story was crude, filled with childish notions native to the humans, it couldn’t be said that all were without merit. After all, there were definitely two forces waging a war within her, much like with the dear doctor. Though the roles were reversed, in her instance, T’riss found herself devouring the text as if to find a means to come to peace with herself. She had always been a quick study, and soon found that she was turning the last page of Dr. Jekyll’s letter. The abrupt ending left her staring down at the page with a strange sense of calm. She knew now what she had to do, but it didn’t make actually doing it any easier.

Following his embarrassment with the saint, Adeon had difficulty relaxing and falling asleep. Each time he would get close to slipping into the void, T’riss laugh would echo throughout his mind, causing him to jolt upright in a cold sweat. All he could think about was how much of a fool he must look like to her, and it was deep in the evening when he finally drifted off. His dreams were swirls of silver-haired goddesses, dancing about his head and chastising him for his sins.
Needless to say, this left Adeon rather tired when he eventually awoke in the morning. Stifling a yawn, he proceed through his normal daily routine: shower, shave, then breakfast, all before checking on the servitors and grox. It wasn’t until he was half-way through scrambling eggs that he came to realize that T’riss was slouched over his dining table. Turning slowly, as if not believing his weary eyes, he came to regard her proper. Strewn about her were various bits of paper, with many symbols and glyphs that didn’t seem quite right to Adeon. “Maybe they were High Gothic,” he thought, “would fit a gal like her.” Shrugging, he deftly finished preparing his meal, and was just about to walk out of the kitchen with his meal when T’riss spoke. “No…come…sit down. Sorry I…drifted off…”

Turning around once more, Adeon watched as she slowly pushed herself upright. After rubbing her eyes a few times, T’riss nimbly gathered up all of her scribblings, save one. Leaving that particular parchment on the table in front of her, she calmly picked it up and crumbled it between her clasped hands. After placing these on the table before her, she stared expectantly at Adeon. He might have been a simple man, but he wasn’t about to pass up the chance to eat at the same table as one so beautiful. The chair made a small scrapping sound as he pulled it back, taking his seat with as much dignity and grace as he could muster. It wasn’t until the fork was half-way to his mouth that he realized that he hadn’t even bothered to ask if she wanted anything. Almost dropping the utensil, Adeon quickly stammered, “Oh..I er… Sorry your grace! I shoulda asked if ya wanted me t’make ya something!”

Rather than the rebuke he was expecting, Adeon received a smile in return. “It’s…okay. Go on eat,” T’riss said, waving a hand as if to dismiss his notion. Still feeling rather ashamed of himself, Adeon could do little but bring himself to pick at his food in the ensuing silence. What did one say to a saint? Were you even supposed to speak to them? His thoughts swirled about, only interrupted when T’riss’ sweet warble met his ears once more. “…I hope you have some free time later. I’d like to teach you how to read…”

As the words left her mouth, T’riss grasp on the paper beneath her hands tightened. Scrunched up inside was written, in Eldar glyphs, “I bring the life of that unhappy T’riss Treewae to an end.”

(Cut to first opening song, end credits, etc.)

One tineye search and link from safebooru later I have the solemn duty of informing you that you're out of luck. Original seems to have been posted here http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=666927 but is no longer available.
You are a cruel person.

I love it.
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Well done sir or miss.

You have my gratitude for the pleasant read.
Time to move to the new thread.
Sorry, wrong thread.
So I ended up taking a nap and missing my Black Crusade game, I'll apologize to you guys specifically later. The good news is that naptime has produce many an idea, but I do have a few more questions:

1. Do you prefer episodic or portioned content? All in all, this one "episode" was around 4,000 words, though future ones could be more/less. I can either save up and dump all at once, or portion it out as it's finished.

2. I've nearly settled on a name, but what sort of art should I use to designate the OP of future threads? DEldar art is limiting sometimes, but I guess I could use drow/etc if pressed.

3. On a scale of 1-10, how believable was the "break," given how little you all know of T'riss? I tend to scale back my world-building, simply because I know it will go on forever if I let it.
1) I'm alright with either. I've read short daily installments on other boards, and large walls of text for post upon post on others. It's all good so long as the quality stays about the same.

2) The picture you're using now works very well, especially given how Adeon seems convinced she's a heavenly being of some kind.

3) maybe 7-8? World Building isn't too bad a thing- in fact, including something new in different updates helps us to understand bit by bit why things in previous chapters were done- sort of an "Aha!" moment.

In general- just keep at it.

1) Either/or
2) I also like the picture you've got now, though you should always hope for some kind drawfag to pass through.
3) I'd probably give it a 7

Given the thread that spawned this: on the one hand I'm kind of sad it's not a fapfic. On the other hand, it's some pretty interesting fiction on it's own, and I've had fun reading it.

Just make sure you archive it somewhere for future generations to view.
1. Either/or. Your choice.
2. The picture seems fine to me. But when will the truth slip out? Either someone goes and identifies the xeno for who she is, or the Thirst will start to take its toll (and since she lacks the traditional DE ruthlessness, she's bound to get hit hard by it). Either way, she'll have a lot of explaining to do to Adeon, lest she be executed as a xenos wych.
3. What do you mean by "break"? I'm a little oblivious about that kind of thing and could use some more detail about what you mean by that.

Two other things. First, I'm eagerly waiting for that other writefaggotry piece PDF-kun was working on last night. Second, the thread's been archived on suptg, so don't worry about it getting lost.
1.either-whatever you're comfortable with
2. that one until a drawfag finds this
3. 8ish-a little too sparse on details but still good
And now that it's been archived, it's been downvoted seven times.

Nice going, random downvoters.
Oh, no, my mistake-

only FIVE.

>all this talk of drawfags
I do hope one will like this enough.

I've debated a few times how best to deal with this. Since she's young enough to have probably only feasted a few times, she's probably got a good bit before it really starts hitting her. Course, I'm also envisioning it as more of an addiction thing, and that it's simply the symptoms of withdrawal (i.e. oh god I'm aging) that keeps them doing it. As for when she'll spill the beans, it'll happen, don't worry.

There's a few reasons it's not a fapfic. First of all, I DM and play in enough games with enough people that it'd eventually find its' way back to me, even if I posted anon-like. Secondly, I just don't have that sort of mindset like Creed of Heresy did. I can lead the horses to water, sure, but hell if I can make them drink. Lastly, I tend to invest a little part of myself in each character I make up (NPC or otherwise), and it'd just be weird to ERP with myself -.-
If that's the interpretation you're going with, it might be possible for her to escape the worst parts of the Thirst completely- it certainly won't be enough to keep her soul out of Slaanesh's grasp, but enough to keep her functioning on a relatively normal level. But on the other hand, the unusual trauma she suffered from during her initial feeding might signify that Slaanesh's grip on her soul is weaker than it would be on ordinary DE. I'm guessing that Eldar of either type still age much more slowly than humans do , even in the case of unfed Dark Eldar.
Wait one second- I just had an idea.

In theory, the only thing preventing a Dark Eldar from using a Spirit Stone like their Craftworld counterparts is that the DE have no interest in doing so when they can just be resurrected by a Haemonculus. But since she's basically persona non grata in Comorragh now, she will likely want to find a Spirit Stone and learn how to use it. Of course, finding one would be...difficult, to say the least.
Writefaggotry usually gets stuck in the green while Bleach Quest goes gold. Where is the justice?
I am actually a big fan of Bleach Quest.

Not gonna apologize for that.
Just upvote it yourself then.

Incidentally, I've heard rumors that some of the quest scores are padded by upvote-bots to make them seem more popular than they really are. No idea if that's true, though.
It is. Some people think they need to fight the people who downvote quests or something. Quests in general are filled with scummy people.
Now that's just derogatory and bogus.

Be excellent, anon- we ARE, after all, in a thread about a Dark Eldar falling in love with a human.

Try to be more accepting, because if we can't, nobody can.
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Trust me, I tried.
This was more or less the explanation I was going with. Good to see some of it made it through the psychobabble.

Congrats, you've now realized where they'll end up one day. But things have to happen before that.

It's okay, T'riss forgives you.
Nice. BRB, going to make millions off my newly discovered powers of foresight.
Some retard just came into the QTG trying to stir shit up between questfags and writefags. He's most likely doing the same in this thread in some mentally deficient attempt to start a feud. Please ignore him.
It's alright.

In a thread about a Dark Eldar finding love, there is nothing but acceptance from me.

0/10 wasn't even mad.
>Most lewd is a kiss
>In my day, we got banned for writing adult fics
>I didn't cause I used pastebin, that made it all OK

Keep it up Varia, writefagging has kind of stopped. Quests have seemed to have stopped too.....
>Quests have seemed to have stopped too.....
Yeah, thats bullshit.
Is it? Maybe I just don't notice them. What ones are still going then?
Like, all of them.
A whole bunch of them- Shadow Quest, Predator Quest, Lamia Child Quest, and a whole bunch of other ones I can't be bothered to list. I haven't read any of them, so I'll leave you to decide whether they're good or not.

There's also a bunch of new quests popping up all over too, although most of them die after the first thread or so due to lack of interest. But to be honest, some of them (and I won't name names for fear of a flamewar) have been running for so long that they've lost their original appeal (and in the worst cases they just devolve into inane circlejerking). It's an unfortunate but true fact that even the best quests must end eventually, and extending them for too long just delays the inevitable while sucking all the fun out of them.

Polite sage for off topic.
Bumpan for great justice.
That's why there's a writefag revival in the form of Writefriend Wednesday threads. Hopefully over time it becomes a staple, and anons once again start to see /tg/ as a place for spontaneous OC.

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