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ITT: real-life wizardry

>fire glass
Oh, boy, where to begin

>non-newtonian liquids
>the Mpemba effect

Hell, anything that science puts 'super' as a prefix.
That supercooled atomic gas that goes below zero Kelvin and is actually hotter than any matter should be able to get.
Of course, how could I forget supercooling

Now that I think about it, so many things seem magic that it's amazing. I mean, take the average person on the street. Do they know how computers work? Sure, they know it has to do with electricity, or even that 1s and 0s somehow factor into it, but their understanding is equivalent to a peasant's understanding of magic as "having something to do with life energy or something". Mages are just scientists operating under different physics.
Yeah, but that is just a mathematical oddity in that its being under 0 K doesn't mean it has negative average energy, it just means that entropy decreases as heat is pumped into it. It's still unsettling as a concept, though.
I have no idea what you are talking about, that shit looks nice thou, is it expensive?
can I get a name to google-fu?
I mean... What? What is this theory called, I must look this up.
How about that structural foam that expands when stretched?
Reading about cool things is cool. Looking at cool things is even cooler.
like $2.50 per lb

auxetic foam
Not really. All it means is that when there's an upper bound to energy levels of particles, it has the same effect on entropy as the lower bound at 0K



dear god man
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The future is here, people! And it has magnetic slimes!
An ultra-low-density solid, possibly lighter than air if constructed properly, that is completely immune to the effect of heat.

An aggregate of carbon nanotubes 500 times stronger than steel while only one tenth the weight by volume. A t-shirt made of this material would be more resilient than a modern tank's forward armor.

I feel like I should need to make a SAN check after witnessing that.
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Pic of aerogel.
>Invisibility Cloak Technology
>Stem Cells Could Extend Human Life by Over 100 Years
>Chimera Monkeys Created
>Diamond Planet Discovered
>Human Brain Is Hacked
>First Planet with FOUR Suns Discovered
>Microsoft Patented the "Holodeck"
That is quite literally what a shoggoth looks like.
shitting myself in fear currently
>shitting myself in fear currently
It was that headless Terminator looking robot, wasn't it?
Super Cooling was discovered by scientists watching a lake for some reason; they saw a leaf drop onto the surface in the morning and saw the surface freeze solid. At least that's how it was told to me in middle school. Cool story.
maybe that was just a really really cold leaf
This isn't quite as good as these examples, but a friend of mine works in a laboratory where they gave kittens neon glow in the dark fur. Not for any reason, just to because they could. They made glow in the dark kittens just because.

Humanity, fuck yeah.
"Any form of science adequately advanced will be inseparable from magic" or something like that.
If only ferofluids weren't usually toxic.
Can I get a power armor made out of alternating layers of those materials, so as to be invulnerable to any existing weapon?
Why does it matter if they're toxic? You don't plan on ingesting a ferrofluid slime girl, do you?
>planet with four suns
i confus
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Is what you're going for.
yes, Clarke's Law

corollary to that is "If the magic is not indistinguishable from science then it is not advanced enough"

Which is really good for writers and story tellers, "If you can do it with science, why the hell are you doing it with magic?"

I like that one, but it lends too much credence to WIZARDS!
It could happen.
>plasma strips off bucky paper
>gun strips off aerogel
>plasma strips off bucky paper
>gun strips off aerogel
>your armor has been destroyed

what you need is one layer that does both
Not to be a downer but that holodeck looks like that microsoft surface projector they touted at the last gaming convention.

Essentially its just a bigger screen.
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>the temperature scale simply does not end at infinity, but jumps to negative values instead.

>When a number gets too big, it goes negative
>Where have I seen this concept before?
>Achieve Chim
I... Wait.
Oh FUCK. The universe can have overflow errors?
Pardon me while I zero-sum.
You don't understand thermodynamics, n'wah
At the opposite end of the spectrum, you get zero-point energy, where there is so much nothing that you actually end up with infinite power.
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Yeah, yeah, of course. I understand completely.
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Nanometal lattice.
That's nothing compared to:
Magic is merely science that someone doesn't know how to explain yet.

When they can, it's no longer magic.
And smart people are no longer wizards.
Uhhhh, wait what?.... is that cold fire?
Binary star systems are quite rare.
Three (trinary?) stars orbiting in tandem very often end up with one being cast off into the cosmos from a random effect of the gravity...
Really hot fire goes blue.

Just like really smart people don't have to wear shoes with velcro.
So is it basically saying that it's able to reach a negative temperature because they change what the maximum energy that the material can reach is?
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wait are you saying binary star systems are rare? or ones with planets are? because i am sure the former is just plain wrong, as far i know binary systems are the most common ones there are.
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>It suddenly looks like a crawling human figure at 1:06, just before he turns the bowl

America recently raised the bar when it comes to determinate if a person is obese.

America now has less obese people than 2 years ago.
brb, fetching shoggoth gun
Oh crap, someone's seen through my astronomy bullshitting!
D-don't tell anyone!
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Fuck that shit.

It's kind of sad how that analogy makes sense.
>pointing out Americans as a MURRICAN

Yes. Yes I would enjoy such wizardry.
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This is how I artificer

Still pretty slick.

From what I gather, it's basically a projector and a camera.

>Projector tosses out a grid
>Camera looks at the grid and determines the layout of the walls
>Software takes that layout, creates an uninterrupted grid from the point of view of the camera
>Projector spends the rest of the time sending modified video based on that, creating the illusion of distance and such that extends beyond the confines of the room
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minds will be blown.
I read somewhere how to make that stuff, you just get regular sand, or coloured sand if you want to be fancy, and spray it with the stuff you get to waterproof suede shoes.
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That's some shonky business, mate.

Yeah, it's just regular sand that's been evenly coated with a hydrophobic layer.
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More of an alternate sound board to look at while you're playing music than magic, but still pretty damned bitchin'.
...So basically, it's a steampunk version of the equalizer display on a stereo system. Powered by fire.

Well then.

Motherfucking invisible tanks.
Step it up.
My god, that looks fucking wicked.

Step it up.
This is one of the two reasons science exists

Tehe other is to make us not die in 2039
What happens in 2039?
Fuck you. Graphene? That's not magic. You know what is magic?

Seeing around corners and taking slow-mo videos at a TRILLION FRAMES PER SECOND.

I'm talking so slow you can see the light fucking move.


Great big fucking asteriod

Just because a science fiction writer said it doesn't make it a law of science.
Holy shit, being a cyborg is going to be fucking AWESOME.

You're on 4chan. People accept shit science to save them from being gay for wanting to fuck traps. You expect them to understand that Scifi writers aren't speaking the Word of God?
>gay for wanting to fuck traps
But it's not gay if it's a girl's dick!
I have a little bottle of that stuff somewhere. Got it from one of my high school science teachers.
Some of us aren't like that. People forget that not all science fiction writers probably don't know science.

I understand my friend. I understand, and my heart goes out to you.

Let us join forces and cleanse the idiocy.
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>People forget that not all science fiction writers probably don't know science.
You do NOT want to know.
Nope. The initial fly-by was not too long ago, and it missed the keyhole by several hundred thousand miles. We're good.
Oh cool

But at the same time, damn, I was hoping to witness the greatest moment of science 26 years from now
I finally get my masters in genetics
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You, you!
<- - - - - - - - - -

But anyways, Clarke's third law isn't a law of science- I'm not even sure if there is a thing- it's an observation: What seems impossible to us, is perfectly mundane to another more learned.
T-shirt fibres that are stong enough to take the weight of a car (and probably split the car in half)? Nanotubes
A fluid that becomes almost solid when struck? Non Newtonian fluid
Almost instant communication that will allow you to contact someone anywhere in the world that works in about 95% of cases? Phones and the internet
Instant communication, possibly anywhere ever? Technology using quantum entanglement.
I work in life sciences, and if true that sounds unethical as fuck. What the hell is wrong with your friend?
Also a written out argument for why "forerunner species did it, deal." can be used without shame, but there was nowhere I could cram that in and sound convincing.
I think someone just read an article then made something up. Similar to most science journalism really. http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/2011/09/glow-kitties/
How is that unethical? It doesn't harm the kittens in any way.
that's what I was thinking. Besides, his team might just be experimenting on combining bioluminescent genes with mammals. I know other animals have had this done, not sure if it was tried with mammals. I'm gonna go read that linked article now.
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Dude, would you have complained were he to say his friend was seeing if he could make glow-in-the-dark spiders, or scorpions?
yeah, we've had bio-luminescent bunnies for years (japan).

The point of it all is to see if and how the bio-luminescent genes could be used as a tracer in genetics related experiments if I remember correctly.
After all it is a lot easier to see if a gene is expressing itself, if it is linked to another gene that makes that bitch glow.

Shit. Hide the chimeric monkeys.
Science, all about coulda, not shoulda
If you shine a black light on a scorpion, they seem to glow. It would be pretty cool, if I wasn't terrified of them.
pour alcohol on them (i think ethanol, but maybe it was isopropyl) in any case they kill themselves if you do it.

Now there is no need to fear them, you know their weakness.

Black Light bulbs in your more scorpion-infested regions might not be a horrible idea.

Of course the average fa/tg/uys room will look like a giant glowing paradise...
That doesn't make it less true. To the dimwit, the concept of non newtonian fluid will be HOLY SHEET! BURN THE WITCH!
You think that sounds unethical?

There's a story that runs around the biotech lot at my campus. They were doing this exact same thing with whatever gene brings out that bioluminesence. Well, for whatever reason the gene wasn't expressed or pronounced or whatever term you wanna use. So here this group is with a bunch of useless baby chicks that don't glow in the dark. Wat do?

They had an intern break something like 500 chick necks. Now, the reasons are obvious, but still, that's unethical as fuck having one person do that.
only around the 40k love pillow, and around the dragon dildo

>taloffie mistrss
yes captcha, we know...

Which is bullshit.

For that many chicks you just pump in gas. Much more efficient, and common in labs.

oh god how horrifying
yeah, they shoulda used 2 people to do it, just like my granma used to do when we had chicken
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Picture failed to post.

Tens of thousands of chicks gassed for being male.
Jesus, how awful.
I'm confused. Why did the not glowing chicks have to die?

...Couldn't they just hand them over to some free range joint. Or use them for some other experiment?
Or sell them as pets? Or something vaguely humane?
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I don't like it either. But for science to happen, you just gotta live with it.

Hello. Have you never seen how animals are handled? We use gas and poison to kill those who underperform, fail to fit research criteria, are less delicious, or just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Want to donate to PETA? Wasting your money, as they kill more than half of the animals they receive into care.

Because they're sick? No. For space concerns.

>CAPTCHA: among hsssman

Yes. Snakes would have happily eaten them.
Now I'm even more confused.

And horrified to boot.
The idea is that the gene was IN there, it just wasn't functioning properly. So it's standard procedure to kill'em all so the genes don't spread around doing who knows what.
I think it's actually illegal to sell genetically modified plants or animals without assloads of EPA and FDA red tape and approval from the lab overseers.

And you can't use them for other experiments because you have to use standardized animals to ensure other people can reproduce your data.

my guess, is because genetic changes that might not make them safe to consume, or genetic traits that could show up in the next generation where they to breed.

when did people care so much about dead chicks when we have so many homeless people that actually need help?
especially on /tg/ where you should know where meat comes from
Homeless people aren't cute. They also don't chirp or lay me delicious eggs.
It's generally a really bad idea and heavily frowned upon to let your genetically modified creations into the wild without extensive approval, even if the gene in question is pretty much harmless. What if the chicks bred and the glowing-chicken gene got into the wild? The EPA would murder your face.

In any case, it's actually illegal to do that.
Homeless people are like wild dogs.

Put them all the fuck down and the problem stops being a problem.
>Implying that has anything to do with feminism.
>Implying that's a funny comment in any way.

The cost to ship male chicks by the pound from an egg plant to a meat plant is prohibitive. Less than cents/chick.

So they just kill them. Sometimes sell them for feed purposes.
Roosters are loud and don't lay eggs.
/tg/ is essentially 35% misogyny, and everyone on 4chan believes that all feminism is the /pol/ "die cis scum I am a strong independent wymyn kill all men" straw feminism.

Under this view, millions of males are being killed. Thus, it's "feminism," and thus funny.
Yeah my dad used to work with an animal studies lab. Pretty much every experiment goes like this:
>Procure 5000 mice
>Do whatever-the-fuck to 2500 of them
>Keep 2500 as control group
>Obtain data
>Gas everything

But wait! They also run experiments on:

Also, once the monkeys escaped and got into the ventilation. You would be walking down the hallway and hear something in the roof above you tearing ass in the other direction going BANG!-BANG!-BANG!-BANG!-BANG!-BANG!-BANG!-BANG!
>genetically modified monkey bum knife fights
gentlemen, I have a new quest idea...
Those male chicks didn't lay eggs either. That's why they're dead.

I witnessed an escaped lab monkey attack a lecturer mid-lecture.

Dropped from the ceiling tiles onto him.

Lecturer proceeded to calmly grasp the monkey, kill the monkey with a heavy stapler to the back of the head (repeatedly), and went on as most of our course stared in horror.
Considering this, isn't finding a way to make chickens only produce female embryos a better use of SCIENCE! than making them glow in the dark?
only if you play as the scientists engineering the best knife fighters
I know a homeless dude who can do a damn good birdcall.
fuckin' christ, man. What the fuck.

I've like, got this huge grin on my face while simultaneously going "Holy what the fuck- how do I even feel about this?"

So you want to reprogram the entire genetic structure for selection in fertilized embryos?

What happens when several thousand of these freaks get out which happens all the time and starts a chicomatriarchy?

Who will stand for the rooster?
That's not proper procedure at all! Most lecture halls and labs are stocked with a special tool, known as the "Freeman crowbar" (it's really just an elongated Besselheim with a bit more weight on the end) for killing escaped lab animals. What shitty-ass school are you going to if they don't even have Freeman crowbars?
It is completely unethical because:
A) You use science to make a point. You don't engineer a living being just for shits and giggles.
B) Creating transgenic animals is time-consuming and rather expensive process. If you're wasting time and resources on some fucked-up vanity project what you're doing is basically a one step away from being a fraud.
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That moment when:
>working with chicken embryos
>pinpoint precision required
>hold breath, steady arm, focus intently
>still fuck up, sever an artery
>felt bad
>tossed it out, grabbed a new one

Fuck yeah, microbiology.
How would they reproduce? Unless you also somehow activated the genes allowing for parthenogenesis.
go ahead and get right on that, but make sure that your manipulation wont interfere with other experiments
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>Howto animals
>To generate sperm you need a Y chromosome
>To fertilize an egg you need sperm
>To make new chickens you need males
>If you use males to make new chickens you have a chance of new males
>Edible eggs are just unfertilized eggs
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Sir we follow the rules clearly listed on the Freeman Crowbars!
90% of /tg/ misogyny is just trolls trolling trolls, though.
I'd like to attend Hulk Hogan's genetics lectures please
Some animals are actually capable of parthenogenesis. In fact, some animals are exclusively parthenogenetic- see also, the famous "lesbian lizards."

I'm not even kidding, there's a species of lizard that reproduces only through lesbian sex.
0/10, apply yourself!
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>walking towards my chem lab at uni.
>see box on floor
>peek inside
A) don't you have to appropriate funds for that kind of research?
B) don't you have to state what you are going to do with those appropriated funds?
C) will someone fund a project for shits-n-giggles?
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I doubt it. The Hulkster has been placed on numerous terrorist watchlists since, well, the Event.

>For internal use only
>Internal use only
>Internal use

My gods.

A place where the animal facility is properly secured, with a separate ventilation system.

Not that guy, but still. There's a reason why animal facilities tend to be in basements and what you: it's easier to keep a basement floor's ventilation separate from the rest of the building, and few lab animals will try to escape upwards.

Also, a handwritten note seen in a hallway in the health sciences building at my uni: "Do not put explosive materials in fridge."
I'm currently working on glow in the dark plants. Yeah it's been done but it's a little pet project of mine.

My workplace has a similar sign on the fridge.

You work with chickens, eh? I do zebra finches and parakeets. Avian genetics is a bitch, nobody seems to know what they fuck they're doing.
pretty sure you need to learn you some ethical theory.

I for one am fond of utilitarian ethics.
In any case the theories I'm familiar with in no way shape or form conflict with making kittens glow because you can.
Hell, pretty sure that depending on the brand of ethics it isn't even bad if you have to gas them afterwards, because ethics tends to not give a fuck about non sentient beings, you know what with being a construct of the human mind and all.
dude I have problems pipetting out the supernatant from a small test tube while leaving the pellet intact . Normally my hands don't shake but when I have to focus on shit like that I turn into michal j fox.
They're splicing in the 'glow in the dark' codes to make sure they're able to implant the 'always female' genes correctly- would suck if you spent a few million dollars and a few years making the DNA strand only to realize you have no way to insert the damned thing.

Besides, activating something simple and harmless prevents the test subjects from coming back... W-wrong,
inb4 dickgirls

Basically, no. In almost no way would producing a female-only breeding chicken be a good use of someone's time.
>theories I'm familiar with in no way shape or form conflict with making kittens glow because you can.
>ethics tends to not give a fuck about non sentient beings
>what are animal rights
I'm not even being glib when I say that I'm pretty sure you need to learn you some ethical theory.

Such is life at Miskatonic University.
A) yes
B) yes
C) no
which makes wasting funds on projects other than the one they were given for unethical.
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Yep, also mice. Speaking of which, we found a mouse fetus that someone lost a year ago. It was pretty alarming.

You see, we had this old, outdated centrifuge collecting rust in the back of the lab. I don't really know why it was there, but the time finally came to get it out. This being a fairly hefty centrifuge, we get two people to go and move it. We get the thing nudged out of the way just 6 inches and I see this shriveled, crusty thing.

Mouse fetus. Lost during a bizarre accident involving the parabolic flight of said fetus. We couldn't find it.


My hands shake all the goddamn time when I'm trying minute movements. And then there was the time with the microtome. . .
i jammed it

Naw, dude. There's nothing glib about inducing a foreign gene to express a harmless (but VERY visible) GFP-style protein in a new animal species. The glow-in-the-dark gene, GFP, is always the first one people do for this very reason; it's easy to see. Once they have that done and proven, they can move on to actual genes of interest that play a part in disease, or what have you.

christ, you jammed a microtome?! We use ours for rat brains and it's all we can do to hold them steady as it cuts though. We use something like 4% agarose/PBS and superglue to hold the cube down...
don't make me get my book man.
people have been arguing over ethics limited stances on nature for decades.

don't get me wrong, shit needs to be altered, but then that causes problems if you do it wrong, how far do you go bla bla bla don't care.

but no seriously, ethics isn't a singular thing, and you need to learn you some ethical theory.
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/sci/ - philosophy and trying to get people to do your homework.

/tg/ - actual scientists.

How the fuck?
To (try) to cut this argument off quickly
Pro gene kittens guy, "for the hell of it" is a simplification to quickly convey a story over the interwebs
anti gene modified kittens guy, the point you should be raising is that tinkering with their code COULD have harmed them, even if it did not in this instance.
this. Its whats called a "sorting" gene.

ITT: Why one Anon will never become a scientist.

I'm to squeamish for this kind of bullshit.
And /v/ hates the vidya, /a/ hates animu, etc. etc. That's just the way it is around here.
physics you pussy
just further proof that we are elegan/tg/entlemen and best board
Cryo cut. Had an accident with some paraplast. Easily remedied by shitting my pants.

Microtomes are scary as fuck. You probably wouldn't feel that thing cut you.
Naw,he'd probably end up being forced into a forensics job trying to figure out what the blood splatters mean about the wound.
As the other anon pointed out, there are other branches of science that don't have much to do with the messy, squishy biological stuff. If you can handle the maths and the abstraction, physics is awesome.
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>Mutants escaping in massive numbers
>Humans confused at first
>The few ways this can go down

>Mutants are scared more than anything
>If accepted, might be able to (hopefully) re-integrate them with civilization
>It will be like creating an Alien race

>Mutants are mad as hell and can't take it anymore
>Massive casualties in urban areas
>Hunting squads of civilians and military forces deployed
>"It's huntin' time."

>Mutants are re-integrated
>Everyone hates them
>Entire world unites under "Humanity FUCK YEAH" clause of New Constitutions
>Mutants are wiped out
>We realize we share hatred in common and head to the stars to hate everything forever. Unless we can fuck it. As human logic dictates.

All in all, if EVERYONE put resources towards the sciences, we can do some crazy shit.

>>Can into science but not into economics

Also thisplanetisnowdiamonds.jpg
Yes, but creating transgenic animals is neither quick or easy. You need to breed and maintain them, and you will cut costs by killing the ones that don't express the gene properly.
Even if the gene product is harmless to the animal, doing so for no reason other than 'fun' is unethical.
Therein lies the other reason I'll never be a scientist, I have the mathematical acumen of a goddamned brick.
Christ, don't even joke about something like that. Microtomes give me the creeps, badly.
Geology, or so I'm told, often entails dealing with giant wasps, mountain lions, and/or the Antarctic.

Less ethically stressful, but still not exactly a day at the beach.
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I've settled for being a voice actor. I wanted to be a scientist. I really did. I wanted to science all over everything.

But I got to Calc and I just crumpled. Math is not my strong suit. I also want to make a bunch of money by being silly.
Are you me? (actually no, I don't want voice acting to be my primary thing)
How about Women's studies then?
*shick* *shick* *shick* *shick* *shick* *shick*

There is not a sound on this earth more sinister than an old microtome.
I have the same problem

I loved cell bio in college, would love to go back to school and learn about genetics, but I know that eventually my lack of mathmatics would kick my ass in a hurry when getting into chemistry
Any "science" that needs to justify its status as a "science" is not actually a science.
I got 60% in my highschool gr12 calc class, now im in uni and I got a A- in both calc1 and calc2. Math doesn't come easy for me, it took me maybe 6-8hours of study every two days to pull off those marks for it.
bullshit, i just locked myself out of my house going to the bathroom because of quantum.

I ... never claimed that economics was a science. Just that this poster obviously didn't understand it.

I'm a historian. I don't think history is a science, either. That doesn't mean it is made-up fairytale bullshit, however. Given what I've studied of economics, I find it to be in, broadly speaking, the same boat.

Anyway, if it needs explaining: Some portion of a society is homeless because of the way the economic system in question distributes wealth. If you kill the homeless people (or the poor, as has been suggested seriously in the past at various times), it will not eliminate the problem, but rather result in a redistribution of wealth such that the same portion of the population is homeless, or poor, or whatever. These will naturally tend to be the most vulnerable individuals, e.g. the untreated mentally ill, but if you kill them the same will still happen to the next-most vulnerable individuals given a little time.

You would of course reduce the total number of homeless people, but only by making the population smaller.
hehehe theres more then one hole that toxic shit can get into
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And we're back to being /tg/. Damn, I love this board.
Calc was pretty intuitive for me.
Then again, I'm an engineer. we're weird as fuck.

Guess what I'm too lazy to do! I can into logical thinking like nobody's business before. But when it comes to booksmarts I just can't sit there studying. It just doesn't work for me.
I'm surprised it took this long. I was gonna say something but eh.
how did the baboon lose his t-shirt?
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High wis
low int

but that's probably flattering you
By... monkeying around? How are we supposed to answer that?
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by not being a baboon or ever wearing a t-shirt

Pic related.
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Eight, to be exact.
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Its bittersweet. I have a much larger chance to fail then someone with high int. But as someone who likes Clerics its kind of nice.
congratulations, your a fucking monster
So how long until we can make slime girls?

Did your dad ever mention the costs of that?

I've been wanting to do some animal testing on environmental factors into dimorphic sexuality and have no idea what animal to use.

Basically I want to see if rape as the primary means of reproduction causes sexual dimorphism to make the female smaller/weaker

My other theory I want to check out works in a similar way to that but with alcohol being introduced into the species. I want to see if over time females become less tolerant and males become more tolerant.

Only problem is I have no idea what sort of animal I could use. Mice seem the best because of their short breeding cycle and easy to observe physiology, but their size and cost seem quite annoying to deal with.
your a dick.
go bee a grammar nazi elsewear, wear your faggot tree is affective.

Nice troll. Sadly, you cannot into major studies without major dosh and government clearance.

Also your research cannot be accepted as telling of humans due to BIOTRUTHS!!! (unless it is female positive).
Basically never.
>You're a dick.
>Go be a grammar Nazi where your faggotry is effective.

I'm not trolling. I was just trying to work out certain things about evolution and this seemed like a very plausible theory to me.

How many animals involved before it counts as major studies? I'm willing to take some blows to the scientific process so I can get a rough idea if the theory works or not.

Yeah, I'm aware the research would be controversial, but science is science. I could be wrong or right, I have no agenda to push here.
Just look at ducks, dude.
That is an odd hypothesis. Why would rape cause females to become weaker?
You won't really live long enough to see consistent evolution of that scale. Besides, if you are REALLY interested in that particular subject, you should just do field research or data analysis/comparison studies of pre-existant species.
Like he says, duck species are a good place to start.

Well, I'm going with the idea that evolution favours strong genes and the ability to produce more offspring.

Forgot to add that I would also expect to see in the first scenario that there is a chance stronger male genes would be consistantly represented.
Really faggot?
We already know that it favors males that have as much sex as possible, and females that selectively choose their mates.
This sounds unfeasible to me. How would you force an animal populus to reproduce through rape? It's not like you could just ask them nicely.

Expanding on the previous answer. I would expect to see the genes of the most easily impregnatable females to become more widespread and commonly represented. What wouldn't be represented though is constantly weaker genes in both sexes because that would just lead to a general weakening of the species, and as such I wouldn't expect to see such genes survive.

Which are granted by having a weak mother? It's not offspring survival that grants fitness, it's number of offspring that survive to reproduce.
Physical strength doesn't necessarily correlate with evolutionary fitness, or number of offspring.
Whenever you see two mice having a romantic dinner, shoot them. They'll learn.
You'd be surprised, that doesn't really play out. It's in the favor of females to NOT breed except with the very strongest/most-fit of the species. Limited eggs/energy... weak females would get fucked all the time by the weakest members and produce inferior offspring/get fucked to death.

I take it you've NEVER taken Reproductive Bio?

Species with LoadsaRaep end up with VERY clever/fit females able to evade or thwart males (ducks can create labrythian vaginas... good luck sperm, I'm behind 700 uterine passages)
Fuck, I can't into typing

>It's not the number of offspring that grants fitness
And how these physically weak females then produce strong offspring?

You'd be right about me never taken reproductive bio. I'm just going into Uni next year and I haven't done Biology at all since I finished college. Biology in general is what I was planning to study.

Thanks for that. I can see why my hypothesis wouldn't work, what explains females being smaller than males in many species though? This is exactly why I need to get a full uni education in biology
You don't have to go that far, all you have to do is to train the she-mice to withdraw consent somewhere during mating.

Introduce them to feminism
>what explains females being smaller than males
There's no universal answer, it depends on species, mating habits and environment.
How are you a fraud if you're performing actual research and progressing science with that research? Was tesla a fraud because he went beyond what physicists at the time thought about electricity?

What about einstein, or newton?

Isn't it unethical to facilitate the creation of a bomb which can destroy to the molecular level objects and people in a vast radius?
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>mfw I'm going into Geology and will have to deal with all that shit because exploration geology is a thing

I didn't expect a universal answer to be honest, any example answers you could give though?
honestly just get them a little drunk, or make sure they don't explicitly say yes, just make sure they do say no, because otherwise you get that whole she didn't say no kerfuffle and that might fuck up your data.

Bigger females fought off rapey males until they weren't worth the trouble anymore.

Little females could be pinned and raped with ease.
what happened to this thread


So, it was basically the reverse of my hypothesis then? I'm gonna have to do some real mind-cleansing for Uni.
a dumbass that doesn't understand evolutionary theory
But can you do a maths degree?
diamond dozen
doggy dog world
could of
How the fuck are you going to get into University if you don't understand the principles of evolution?
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Ahh well then I congratulate your desire to learn. It's nothing to be ashamed of to have an erroneous theory. Only to hold to it in spite of significant evidence otherwise.

Anyhow, the reasons that many mammalian females are smaller is probably testosterone related, it's a side effect of males needing to be showy and powerful to impress their mates. You see, you were simply thinking of it backwards, in biology one should usually consider females to be the 'utility model' while males are the 'show/luxury model.' It's not the females that are smaller... it's the males who are LARGER.

You see, the males must compete for mating, they must impress females, claim a territory, a harem. So, they need to be able to fight other males, Whether it's male avians needing to look 'FAAAAABULOUUUUUUSSSS' or a male lion needing his mane (heavy armor vs neck bites btw) or a human showing how much more money, clever and style he got.... males must compete for what they want.
I mean, I got through calc 4 and FUCKING dynamics.
>scianon in a lab coat, safety goggles
>pipetting daiquiris into tiny paper cups in mouse night club
>keeping a young, nubile mouse lady in a miniskirt and eight bras boozed up, giving bad advice
>'Go get him girl, he's totally into you'

He could've had a shitty highschool. I've seen so many students get into my classes with no fucking idea what's going on. You don't need specific knowledge to get offers at Australian unis, just a high score
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>hes never made an ice cube glow red hot through induction heating


Hells, for not knowing it that long you can probably get a degree in science from one of those unaccredited theological universities.

Ah, that makes a lot of sense considering the female to be the standard model and the male to be the different one. I possibly just had a bit of mental bias when considering it, because I had spend my entire highschool and college at an all boys school and most societies I've heard of have been patriarchal. So I must've subconciously assumed male was the basic model and female was the odd one.

Thanks for the learnings scianon. You a biologist, or just someone with a passion for it?
That's not all there is to mathematics.

geometry? complex numbers? algebraic topography? quantum mechanics? electromagneticism? numerical analysis? vector calculus? groups? special relativity?

just a few examples of what's available for a maths degree at a university.

what does calc 4 cover and what do you mean by dynamics? as is specific topics.

But that's not how uni works. You get in by virtue of a score you recieved based on your performance in Year 11 and 12 (modified by how well your class performed). There is some assumed knowledge, but many courses do not have pre-requisites that they will knock you back on.
All this talk of LEARNING and college degrees.

Bah. I wish adventuring was still a profession and money didn't dictate our lives
>diamond dozen
>doggy dog world
>could of

honestly its mind bottleing how stupid you are
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Biologist, My Univeristy informed me they weren't offering 'MAD SCIENCE' as major so I chose the one that seemed the closest (that and I've retained a childish fascination with monsters.)
Maybe in your bizarro retard country but some (actual) universities want specific knowledge and high achievement in those subjects plus additional examinations to procure evidence that you can perform at a higher level than what you're being taught at.

It is. We have an adventuring thread almost every day. Pretty sure some anons in this thread mentioned exploration sciences too

Of course, you still need money though. Don't be retarded.
Why can't people barter for most goods anymore? Is my bread and labor not good enough?

Ignorance is bliss eh?

In Australia that's very much the case. Certain subjects like maths require you to have performed well in them, but otherwise we allow people into courses based mostly on general academic ability.

Which country are you from?
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>that feel when you realized that flesh is weak, and machinery is superior

>fuck biology

>engineering and heavy duty machinery is the future

Well, you can if you really want to. It's just a lot more convenient to use money. That's why money exists, people found it was more efficient to have a standardised currency than to barter
As people have money to purchase the things they want. Bartering is based on need as well. HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE A BOOK? WELL HERE ARE TEN FUCKING SACKS OF APPLES, WITH ABOUT 100 EACH IN EACH SACK FOR THAT BOOK? OH, RIGHT. YOUR FAMILY ISN'T STARVING. OK, NEVERMIND
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England, you convict, where the real universities are based.
I covered multivariable and vector calculus in 3. 4 covered diffyQs.
And honestly statics and dynamics wasn't that HARD, it just took goddamn forever.
>anywhere but the US

I'm mostly kidding, but it's a pain in the ass to go to college over here. You need a 4.0, a high score on two major tests, and a ton of money, minimum to get into any college you'll be proud of. Not that I'm doing any of that. Certifications and education through employment is my route.
Which state are you in? California's education system is a nightmare
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>That feeling when metal warps and fails.
>When Carbon-based materials surpass metallic
>When nanotech have been firmly claimed in the name of biology.
At university? I've just bought textbooks which cover that which I'll need to sit an exam for before I go to university.
Ignoring the other issues with the proposal, flies are what you want. Way cheaper than mice. Much shorter life cycles. So much easier to work with.

As an added, bonus, I'm know there literature out there detailing how accurately get flies drunk as shit, and how to quantify just how pants-shittingly drunk they get.

Also, tons of tools available for messing with fly genetics and neurology, which sounds useful.
Colorado. We've got a couple good schools, but the field I'm going into doesn't require a degree. Experience and certification goes farther in networking.

Yeah, I've heard that the American Education system is kinda fucked. Aren't your colleges stupidly extravagant/expensive too?
Is it sad I'm afraid of braking open ampoules?

Honestly, the fuckers who make shit and ship it in those need to get out of the 1950s and make everything screw-top tubes. Plus the ampoules pour like shit but are too skinny to get anything most pipette tips in.
It depends. The high-end colleges here are second to none, but there are a ton of schools that seem to survive solely on the power of naive schoolchildren who don't know what they want to do with their lives.

I don't get that at all. How do you have people going to your unis just to waste time? Especially when they are so expensive
It's got problems, but it's not quite THAT fucked.

College expense on the other hand is. Did you know that college loans are the only ones that can't be removed by filing for bankruptcy? In the 60s there was this widespread belief that all students were welfare queen/system gaming slackers, so they made that debt pretty much permanent.
But I can always build simpler and easier with dead stuff.
Also, that is carbon nanotubes, ya goon. Nothing biological there.
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I look forward to battling your biological behemoths with my cold steel machines in the year of our lord, 2150AD.

No, they're stupid little bastards. If you're in the medical field, anything in them is generally for injection, but you can't just use it right out because of course invisible pieces of glass get into the shit when you break their necks, so you have to use a filtered needle to draw liquid out, then change the needle, then shoot it into whatever, and if you forget to do this you might fuck up some super-expensive IV solution, get thoroughly bitched out, and feel like a dumbass for a week ... or give someone septicemia if no one catches it. So, not only do I hate breaking them, but I'm also always terrified of forgetting to change that fucking needle.
English student loans are glorious. It's essentially a loan you never have to pay back, in effect it's an additional tax rating.

I could borrow £50,000 and I would not have to fish out a single penny as they skim it off my salary (if) when I start earning over a threshold salary, if it's mediocre like 40k then it disappears after 30 years but going to uni and doing a proper degree shouldn't net me a 40k job over 30 years.
Well, for the past fifty or so years our culture has drilled the need for a college education into the heads of every kid that's been born. Some of them don't want to go into the real world yet, and I can't say I don't sympathize with them. Those Occupy faggots who whined about the fact that ther Lib Arts degree didn't get them a job? It's hardly their fault. They probably just let some university spokesperson pull the wool over their eyes while telling them that graphic design is one of the fastest-growing professions in the country.
Then again, your average cell is jam-packed with nanorobots with couple billion year's worth of product refinement and upgrades.
And yet the flesh is still weaker.
Australian loans are essentially the same, I think. No interest, as much debt as you want/need, and you don't need to pay back a cent until you start earning $50,000 or more a year. Handy as fuck.
Yeah, fuck ampoules. I thought that we're supposed to live in the future now, what's the deal with that shit?
Jesus. I'm just a microbio researcher, and so they're a hassle but the microfragments don't really matter at all in the experiment.

I just don't understand why the fuck they have to make them like that anymore. It was the best way of keeping shit sterile back in the 19th century, but nowadays it seems like using a dial-tone modem while working at Microsoft.
>stupidly extravagant/expensive
You're damn right they are. Unbelievably so. However, the best American colleges are the best in the world. If you didn't have Asian parents, I recommend going to your local community college and getting into a good graduate school later. It'll save you a lot of cash and you'll get a just as good education.
>I don't get that at all. How do you have people going to your unis just to waste time? Especially when they are so expensive
Because middle class kids grow up being told that going to college is the thing to do and you can't do anything without going to college. When they get to college they just fuck around because that's all they've ever done with their lives.

We have a similar problem in Australia, made worse (or better depending on your point of view) by our heavily subsidised and almost free universities.

We simply don't have enough kids wanting to become tradies because everyone is told that they need to go to university.
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We'll be waiting.
I'm sorry, did you meant to write 'stronger'?
Because otherwise you just sound plain silly.
i feel a bit insignificant, being a truck driver with a passion for science, in a thread full of researchers and soon to be scientists
Didnt you heard of Ruppys?

Yeah. Back when everything shit the fan in '07 and all the accountants and vice presidents were wondering where their jobs went, airplane mechanics were nowhere to be found and companies were almost going out of business because there weren't enough tradies.
This might be the smartest fucking thread I've seen on /tg/.
Why would you kill them? Why not just donate them to a local business that deals in chickens?
Pick up a textbook, watch videos, go to classes, read articles. I know it sounds like general and unenthusiastic advice but that ultimately is the best thing you can do if you want to learn and understand science.

You can always become a scientist if you really want to. It's never too late.

Of course, we do need truck drivers.
It's just an extension of those million years of refinement. .
I know right fuck /sci/ next time I am asking /tg/ for help.

Have you not learned that the hobby boards are better for advice than the 'academic' boards by now?

We argue better than /pol/ and talk shop better than /sci/. Because we are the guys who enjoy a hobby, and are across a wide spectrum.
Legislation, mainly. You're supposed to destroy transgenic animals after your experiment is done.

There's not a single subject which /tg/ isn't better at than it's home board. (Except maybe /o/)
To reduce contaminants to the species as a whole? When you perform weird genetic research, you don't often introduce those genetics back into the gene pool unless you have a particular goal in mind - such as causing all mosquitoes to eventually become extinct as a group with genetics that prevent fertility in offspring.

Can't introduce altered flora and fauna into the biome bro.
*billions of years
>reading this thread
>scientists talking about ethics like it's an actual important thing
Damnit, this is why biological engineering is lagging so far behind mechanical and electrical engineering.
I'd argue music. Simply because /tg/ never talks about it.

>causing all mosquitoes to eventually become extinct as a group with genetics that prevent fertility in offspring.

Sadly I'm afraid there are still people who would do their damnedest try and stop us from doing even that. Something about respecting the earth and it's balance and all that... fuck that noise.

I may be slightly misanthropic but I care far more about people than some uncontrolled homicidal pest.

It's about time we started balancing nature's scales anyhow... rather end up with a worldwide garden than a hellhole.
I've been doing some of those

found out recently MIT has a bunch of old lecture class videos on their Open Learning page

subscribed to a bunch of youtube channels like Minute Physics, Sixty Symbols, GCPGrey, and Numberphile

every once in a while I can find PDF's of textbooks

sometimes my computer wishes I used it for porn like most sane people do

And that was done after some very, very heavy ethics panels and dozens of scientific hurdles.

Also a bit different from "introducing mosquitos to stop mosquitos" to "introducing glowing livestock".
And that /tg/ has terrible taste.

Isn't it important? Is it useful for cats to be luminescent or does it mean that their natural predatory ability has now been nullified and doesn't that disadvantage them against other predators?
>Can't introduce altered flora and fauna into the biome

But see, that's primo-grade adventurer shit. The sort of thing fa/tg/uys wish they did.
I wouldn't know, I've seriously never seen anyone bring it up here that I can remember.
Ah, but nothing substitutes learning for an examination to procure a true test of knowledge and understanding.
>thinking grades are what counts
You're not good at calculus.
Was it? How do you know?

Anyway, it is a counter-example to your point and thus proves you wrong.
Do you mean here as in the board or as in in your workplace?

Can they apply it?
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I swear we need good old dose of Teddy Roosevelt around these days to take a hammer to that bastard megacorp.

Not really chap, just the fact that I didn't clarify the point. But please, pat yourself on the back for your semantifaggotry.



Yeah. You might want to actually step beyond the whole "bullshit science" and be thankful for people still researching genetics in agriculture, even if you don't believe in corporations.
You mean "Can people apply calculus?"
Because that is called engineering.
that's what I like about the MIT Open learning page, many of the classes have pdf exams you can DL and test your knowledge against
Your statement was that you can't, I provided an example where they did so you're wrong. The only one arguing semantics is you.

Well done.
You're doing good, anon. There's never shame in learning and trying to improve yourself, and damn those who would claim otherwise because you don't have academic credentials.
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So /tg/ I'm pretty new at this board and was having a hard time understanding the whole "elegan/tg/entelmen", but this thread has convinced me it is the best board indeed.

Also, glow in the dark puppy

That's true actually.
Ok, that's excellent. Could you do it to get a recognised qualification in the subject area?
this is how UFOs work
No you don't. The only one of those things that you need is a ton of money. I'm pretty damn sure you have a retarded conceptualization of "any college you'll be proud of".
California's education system is one of the best in the union, and our community colleges are the cheapest.
I'm not certain, but highly doubtful, mostly it's for my own edification
That anon could've appended his 'can't' with '...without a good reason', but didn't because it was implied. So basically yes, you're arguing semantics.
Really? How cheap are they out there?

It's alright. I have gotten used to autis/tg/eneral long ago. Any minor victory some anons can make without arguing something makes their dicks hard.
I don't mind Monsanto's base GM research, but the reckless faggottry that occurs with them in relation to farmers who were unfortunately too near a neighbor who got a cross-polination of wind-blown seed renders my opinion of them slightly below dog-fucking.

Hell, there are hundreds of other companies doing GM agriculture research and the world is better for it (The frankencorn people can go fuck themselves and eat proto-maize if they don't like genetics messing about), but Monsanto is the poster child for soulless corporate fuckery
No it was not. You don't make absolute statements and go "oh but i implied 'without good reason'" like you're not a dipshit.
someone have the EPA or FDA or whatever approve this for commercial sale. Every Paris Hilton Hollywood celebrity wannabe will be buying glowing chihuahuas.

I wouldn't even worry about glowing animals getting into the wild population because it would be like albinism, a death sentence for anything expressing the gene.
Wait, "glow in the dark" and not "glow under certain light wavelengths"?

Because if so, that's fucking awesome. The whole Luciferase complex is a bitch to insert properly when compared to just a GFP transformant.
Nothing insignificant about it. You're the one who makes the world actually work while these folks are busy letting monkeys escape into their ducts.
I proved you wrong and now you can't accept defeat, you sound autistic to me.
So...do the successful experiments get euthanized too? How long do you keep around the glowing puppy before its usefulness is over?
They glow in the dark after being exposed to UV radiation, like those star stickers for ceilings. Don't know what the name is in English
We have decent discussions about classical guitar now and again.
I'll agree here, as a biologist who wants to go into biotech, Monsanto's suits can take a flying leap into a bottomless pit of dicks for the shit they pull all the time.
fuck yeah, /o/

What is funny is that, in several of these cases, you actually find the farmer conveniently forgot that he had planted their seeds. You should read the documentation... As someone whose interest lies in IP, the status of GM crops is fascinating.
Okay, so the second category.

Still awesome, but I will fucking kill for an adrenaline-lux fusion protein tattoo.

>Dat face when people piss you off see your face start to show swirls glowing red lines when you're angry
But not exactly. I was talking about applying knowledge.
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Keep on posting champ. Your semantics arguments are sexy and help show you are the greetest.
They just raised if from $36 to $46 per unit.
And that's arguing semantics too, what's your point?
That depends on the nature of the experiment. An engineered mouse that can be used as a disease model? Sure, that one's going to stick around. A glowing puppy that is used as a proof-of-concept? Not so much.
Ok, loser.
I have read the cases. There are a couple liar farmers who basically swiped or tried to replant seeds, but there are also several other cases where seeds literally fell off a damn truck, shit up the border of a field with the GM stuff, and it was sufficient for Monsanto to sue.

Not to mention the blatant fucktardedness of their business model being "Turn around as many pesticide-GM crop combos as you can" encourages not properly testing their shit, and the half-dozen Monsanto members or former members sitting pretty on the FDA approval board means they'll never get called on the carpet for it.

Seriously, if any company is going to fuck something up and actually make a GM food crop that's worthy of panic (Not the fucking frankencorn and fishy-strawberries bullshit), I'd put every penny of the bet on Monsanto doing it first.

That is useful knowledge. When my daughter thinks about being a scientist I will purchase her two small puppies. She will care for it and do puppy experiments, measuring adorability, play strength, appropriate time for napping and maintain a puppy for control.

After the experiments I will make her gas the non-control puppy.
You are a clever boy who should feel proud of himself.
Both puppies get gassed, there's no point in paying for the upkeep of control animals after the experiment is done.
So, which of your daughters will be the control?
*Man, more so than you.

Sadly no twins. But if there are twins we can always test for early sexual exposure.
Via your underground rape dun-, I mean, research facility. Right?
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Fucking hell NOW its /tg/

Underground? What are we, mole people?
Who says that the twins will be children?
It wouldn't be "early" sexual exposure if they weren't.
Early teens is still early.
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/diy/ can give us a run for the money, but then again it's a hobby for them too, so it's got the same mix of self-taught masters, trained professionals, idiot savants and well plain idiots
Well you can't have a cellar above ground, can you now?
No it isn't. It's still illegal pedophilia for an adult to be involved, but it's not actually developmentally irregular.
I'd say /diy/ is probably the best board for discussing its actual topic.

Why, to prevent subjects properly secured of course! As this kind scianon pointed out >>22763124

It also helps being as slow as it is.
>Mammalian and avian sex selection work the exact same way

I wish I had an appropriate reaction image.
Which lead to this interesting tidbit:
In theory a single female Komodo dragon could start an entire colony of lizard by herself, without need for a male. It might be cool to apply this to the next fantasy campaign I run, either for dragons or lizardmen.

Which only works due to the genetic structure of the lizard genome.
Consider that in most RPGs atleast, magic is clearly covered by some rules; you get the correct ingredients and speak the right incantation and bam! fireball! Repeat, and you get another fireball.

And if it has rules, those rules can be understood with enough research. If DnD magic existed in our universe, it would be studied just like any other science. It just seems "supernatural" because in our universe there is now law of physics that states that chanting and waving your hands in a certain way cause a fireball to appear.

Yes. But by that same logic most of the rules of the game can be determined through scientific testing. If you set up a room where a man was pricked by a needle and accepted being stabbed each time you could have the exact HP of every person tested in a few months.

You can do the same for most skill checks by setting specific DC challenges, which could be determined through Take 10 checks within a few points.

You could also determine leveling through the same method, and perhaps even a rough approximation of XP.
It still exists.

The thing is we're too afraid to actually do it.

if you want to be a D&D adventurer do that war tourism thing

Fucking hell, man. That poor intern.

Should've just given them to some local psychopath or hunters who want to use them as target practice. Or just Auschwitz them.

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