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    File :1226588774.jpg-(554 KB, 900x900, Steampunk_Atlantis_by_leyna55.jpg)
    554 KB Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:06 No.2990695  
    Since steampunk makes everything better, I was thinking of running a Stargate 1900 game for my Stargate obsessed players. The plot would be the British finding the Stargate in Egypt in 1899, and the shennanigans that would ensue. I was thinking of making the base commander a civilian, specifically HG Wells. The game would all be about how different the Stargate universe would be 100 years ago, the affects discovering it would be on our own history, and the similiarities and differences between the Goa'uld and the British Empire.

    Also, all my players are Britfags. Is this an idea worth following up?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:07 No.2990697
    Do it
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:07 No.2990698
    Sounds fun. I'd play.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:08 No.2990700
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:09 No.2990701
    >and the similiarities and differences between the Goa'uld and the British Empire.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:09 No.2990702
    I fucking hate steampunk and even I love your idea. DO EET.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:09 No.2990704
    This should be a fucking TV series, instead of goddamn Atlantis.

    I'd play it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:09 No.2990705
    Being British always seems to be related to liking Steampunk.

    You backwards teaslobbering snobs.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:11 No.2990709
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:11 No.2990711
    You just made Stargate suck less... but its still Stargate so, you lose.

    I really love the IDEA of Stargate but the acting, lore, and general plot progression of the series makes me want to punch a puppy. And kick kittens.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:12 No.2990712
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:13 No.2990714
    Please repeat Ben Franklin's famous kite experiment. Hopefully the lightning wipes you out in one fell stroke.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:13 No.2990715
    So how can I incorporate other famous people? I think it would be cool to involve Bram Stoker in some way, maybe as a one-time only contractor brought in because he knows about east european folklore.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:14 No.2990717
    The movie was vastly better than the show.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:17 No.2990718
    I could go for it. But I wouldn't use the Stargate per say. Something similar but with a wonderful steam punk feel. Same effect, but you could throw in strange missions, like finding spare parts, or getting a new source of fuel/power that would let you explore even more systems.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:16 No.2990719
    Stargate one-hundred years ago = Master Braytak is still first prime to Apothis.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:17 No.2990723
    Must still have Jack O'Neill (A la Richard Dean Anderson, not Kurt Russell).
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:18 No.2990725
    I was thinking of having an O'neil appear, and suggest that it is actually Jack's grandfather.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:19 No.2990727
    The Stargate should be under the custody of Howard Carter, discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Having it 100 years before now would place it in Edwardian times.

    If you're running it in the 1880s, your commander should be Sir Richard Francis Burton, just for the power of pure awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:25 No.2990738
    Gah, my posts are disappearing in the warp. 5th attempt- 1899 allows for a 25 year old Winston Churchill. You could jam him in somehow
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:26 No.2990743
    >jam him in

    Now I am imagining a gender-swapped Churchill in the Strike Witches universe. My brain is a strange and confusing place.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:29 No.2990750
    Young Churchill sucked as a politician. Somehow he strikes me as a candidate for the IOA-Wosley type of character.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:30 No.2990752
    The issues with the other human groups (ie like the pre-infiltration Trust) also now becomes a question of humanitarian goodwill vs outright colonialism. Some factions will just want to replace the Goa'uld and mine the fuck out of any Na'quida, but Mister Wells (guessing from War of the Worlds) would oppose that, and would rather set up trade agreements.

    With captured advanced technology British also wouldn't give a fuck about the Kaiser and the balance of power, meaning no alliances against them. The French and Russians are left alone against the German/Austro-Hungarians. Alternatively - the British are still involved in WW1 but simply blow the shit out of the German navy with a laser or something, forcing a very early withdrawl from the war by Germany. Germany is no longer associated with WW1, and people still see it as a quick short struggle. Austro-Hungary negoitates a ceasefire. The war quickly ends before it becomes a world war. Europe is suddenly much more stable and prosperous, however the monarchic systems still prevail in Germany and possibly Russia (the lack of extreme conditions will, at the least, prevent the hardship that enabled the Bolshevik's to galvinise the population). Austro-Hungary, almost ready to break before the war, splits. However, the world now knows that the British have some kind of super-technological weapon, possibly forcing them to admit to the world that they have a Stargate programme.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:30 No.2990753
    Steamunk makes everything immeasurably worse.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:31 No.2990757
    You trying to say pipes and steam aren't awesome? Get out.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:31 No.2990760
    Stargate is basically just the militaristic American version of Doctor Who. Not that I mind, of course, since I love both shows.

    You should consider whether you want to be more like SG-1 (new planet every episode) or Atlantis (colony in another galaxy). I'd probably go with SG-1 in general, and maybe have a second group of explorers in a colony that they might have to help out on occasion.

    Either way, this sounds like a great idea and I would play the hell out of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:33 No.2990767
         File :1226590398.png-(34 KB, 589x435, pilot.png)
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    It ain't complete without drunken pilots.
    Take this one.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:34 No.2990770
    Definitely want to go for the SG-1 angle.

    I'm also considering how this would affect things like the Boer War, and what affect the revelations of man's true history would have on the prevailing scientific theories at the time (eg, racialism). Suddenly those 'primitive' beliefs aren't so nonsensical, on the other hand, you just know some fucker is going to pop up with an Ancients = Aryan theory. And then suddenly the British-SG1 is fighting interstellar nazi terror groups...
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:35 No.2990772
    What system are you using? Because you definitely want a more cinematic one. As always, I must recommend Spirit of the Century for this kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:35 No.2990780
    Im sensing epic content here...
    Bracing for awesome!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:37 No.2990790

    Meh, in 1899 he was still adventuring after failing his first attempt at election- his political career had barely begun.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:39 No.2990794
    The Ancients were humans of the White race. The fact that their technology only responds to people of certain lineage verifies this.

    [spoiler]19th century fags believed this[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:45 No.2990802
    More than one stargate.

    Let the British discover one in Egypt, but the Russians have their own program. Maybe a German gate too, just to have some major players in an interstellar Great Game.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:45 No.2990804
    Just about to ask for system ideas.

    Systems that I'm really familiar with and that are on the list of possiblities:
    d20 and variants, including Mutants and Masterminds and Star Wars
    GURPS (usually I run games with the cinematic rules)
    Basic Roleplay System

    I've got Spirit of the Century but I've never tried it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:46 No.2990811
    GURPS or SotC, definitely. D20 system is pretty clunky when it goes out of standard heroic fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:48 No.2990820
    What role should the Americans play? In the 1900s they'd just gotten their shit together, so to speak, and although they meddled and interfered in South American politics they were still seen by most as a bastion of freedom.

    They're on the par with the top European powers at this point, at the very least challenging the French and closing the gap between them and the British and Germans. Although, I think, most people would have probably put their money on Germany being the next superpower pre-WW1.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:50 No.2990822
    This could actually be done really well without the need for loads of silly steamdoohickies. It kinda grates on me now how people just write off the "vanilla" Victorian era, since it was so shot through with intrigue, invention, adventure and potential for globe-trotting thrillseeking.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:50 No.2990825
    Enjoy your age of consent of 18, legal drinking age of 21, and country that was supposed to be founded as secular and free, but is run by christians and is more religious that most other western nations.
    You have "in God we trust" on your money. We have Charles Darwin on ours.

    No offence but, teaslobbering snob and steampunk fan as I may be, you have no right to call me backwards.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:51 No.2990837
    I am pretty familiar with GURPS. I reckon I'd start the players off on 150pts and let them grow from there, incorporation things like Electronic Operation/TL10 (Goa'Uld) as they gain experiance fighting the aliens.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:53 No.2990840
    Don't get trolled, man.

    Anyway, I'm a Britfag but I don't think America is quite what the Jack Chick tracks lead you to believe it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:53 No.2990844
    Hillarious american attempts to discover what is going on. they never figure it out though.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:54 No.2990846
    Okay guys, I know I said steampunk, but mostly it would be vanilla Victorian / Edwardian period.

    The exceptions are possibly computers used by the SGC, which would be larger versions of Babbage's old designs for mechanical computers and information sorting machines.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:55 No.2990853
    >What role should the Americans play?

    Fuck all. While they're dicking around in South America, the Pacific and China they're still mostly isolationary at the start of the 20th century.

    Americans should only really enter the scene if something causes it to shift from Europe. Like if England uses some kind of superweapon or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:55 No.2990854
    I was thinking of adding a crude but manly cowboy somewhere.

    It's a token character of European literature, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:55 No.2990855
    Man this sounds epic. If you're running this over IRC you'd better be posting some logs
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:59 No.2990860
    It's something I'll be trying out on my University's roleplaying society. University of Wales, Britfags. One of them anyway.

    In b4 sheep jokes, all the Welsh students seem to go to England for university.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:04 No.2990876
    How about cramming in War of the Worlds into the campaign? Tripods come out of the stargate, PC's drive them back and lead the charge to invade the "Martians'" homeworld...
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:05 No.2990878
    If this is set before 1882 then Charles Darwin can fight the Ori.
    >> That Damn Mouse 11/13/08(Thu)11:08 No.2990889

    Imagine Richard Dean Anderson with a set of mutton chops you could get lost in and a mustache that ended a goodly distance from his twitching nostrils.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:09 No.2990890
    Thought about that. Possibly even another human civilisation, using Ancient 'walking machines' to destroy SG teams.
    >> Nyarly 11/13/08(Thu)11:13 No.2990901

    .... baaa
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:23 No.2990918
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:47 No.2990968

    This could lead to an epic battle between Goa'uld deathgliders and Wellesian tripods, with humans caught in the middle. Do want.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:53 No.2990975
    Even more epic: Imagine the Martian invasion held up with Goa'uld technology. Imagine Martians in shock and awe when the puny Earth cattle suddenly blast away with Naqadah-powered rayguns!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:54 No.2990977
    Rather than have a German Stargate, why not have a German assault team break into the place and send a team out into the galaxy. Then your players have somebody they can chase through dozens of worlds while trying to deal with people whose first contact with earth was a German military team.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:59 No.2990996

    On the final world where the PC's confront the Germans, they've already colonized the entire planet and converted the natives. That or they've found an ages-old robot army that they're intending to bring back to Earth through the gate.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)16:24 No.2992230
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)16:47 No.2992345
    oh dear god, this man just worked Nazi super science into steampunk SG-1

    >> Balthazarr !!nwQQDePp11/ 11/13/08(Thu)16:49 No.2992355
    this idea is now stolen1
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)16:54 No.2992379

    1.Read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
    2. Cry & wish you were that talented..
    3. mercilessly steal every idea in it.
    4. ???
    5. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:01 No.2992424
    >>2990820 they were still seen by most as a bastion of freedom.

    Oh shut the fuck up. Institutional racism till the 60's anyone? Lynching?

    At least other messed up countries didn't believe in some sort of manifest destiny.. Japan & Germany the exceptions.


    ... A 25 yo Churchill wasn't that interested in politics. More kicking fucking ass in the Boer War.
    >> Abaddon 11/13/08(Thu)17:03 No.2992436
    This is the best idea that I've seen on 420chan for ages. OP how are you playing this? If it's on IRC you might have a ton of extra players
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:09 No.2992473
    NO YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP. Im sick of hearing Eurofag bullshit about how messed up america is/was. How the hell do you treat your minorities? Like shit. America at the least doesnt incite mobs and riots and before you start whining about how its our fault remember that you force them to live in ghettoes. Your continent is declining in population, is going to be a minor power in 50 years and overall is a shitty place to visit. Fuck you and your shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:12 No.2992484
    Did you come up with all that shit off the top of your head or do you watch FOX News or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:14 No.2992495

    I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my money being counted out by the tax man and given to people who've barely just entered the country because their own is so fucked up.

    Oh and I live in England, and we did treat out minorities like shit for awhile. We treated everyone like shit for awhile. We just don't pretend we're a "beacon of home for the world" or some bullshit.

    We might not be a good tourist destination, but at least we didn't drop fucking agent orange on children shitface.

    Oh and America, so you know - I do actually like you. Just not rhetoric or patriotism.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:15 No.2992501
    Apart from people getting into shitfights over nationalism and secretly wanting to kiss each other in hot, wet, passionate clinches of revolutionary man-love, this thread is quickly approaching the Speed Of Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:16 No.2992502
    >America at the least incites mobs and riots and before you start whining about how its our fault remember that you force them to live in ghettoes. Your continent is declining in population, is going to be a minor power in 50 years and overall is a shitty place to visit.

    Fixed. Hoping for your sakes though that that don't happen. I like american brandy, and it'd be a shame if the country making it went under.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:20 No.2992506
    >>2992473 America at the least doesnt incite mobs and riots

    - 2005 Toledo Riot, October 2005, (Toledo, Ohio, USA)

    - 2003 - Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA)

    - 2002 - Ohio State University post University of Michigan football game riot, November 2002, (Columbus, OH, USA)

    -2001 - 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 2001, (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)

    - 2001 - Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Seattle, WA, USA)

    - 2001 - Philadelphia Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Philadelphia, PA, USA)[4]

    -1999 - WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, November, 1999 (Seattle, Washington, USA)


    - 1957 - Little Rock Integration Crisis (Autumn, 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas)

    How far would you like me to go back?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:20 No.2992512
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    No one could be that ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:22 No.2992517

    I fucking love Americans & America. I just fucking hate them. I'm sure you feel the same way about Brits. The best way to ensure the fucking hate doesn't manifest is not to talk shit or brag.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:26 No.2992532

    See, if OP does it right, he'll come close to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The comic.

    If he does it wrong, he'll generate the movie.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:27 No.2992539
    >The best way to ensure the fucking hate doesn't manifest is not to [...] brag.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:30 No.2992543

    It... it... was Sean Connery's last movie..

    I promised myself I wouldn't cry..


    Oh come on you two. Canada doesn't brag about sports, but Australia has nice beaches. Australia has institutional racism, but Canada has the French.

    It's a wash at the end of the day. We love you both, and your women. Especially your women.

    No British man will deny that British girls are drunken whores.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:31 No.2992545
    It needs a "I kick ass for the lord! >:D"-character.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:33 No.2992552
    >League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

    Idea: Captain Nemo is a Jaffa (maybe even a Free Jaffa, like Teal'C, even though obviously those shouldn't exist yet as per canon). The Nautilus is a large Goa'uld spacecraft that can travel underwater.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:35 No.2992563

    Doesn't do Nemo justice.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:32 No.2992822
    Hey I'm the guy who called America a bastion of freedom. I'm a Eurofag. I know about lynching and institutionalised racism and everything, but that didn't stop American from being seen as awesome shiny new land of freedom. Hench the old stereotype of foreign ethnics coming into New York harbour by the boatload. Irish people loved the US, so did Russians at this point.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:35 No.2992839
    OP here, I like the German team idea, also the robot army idea. Sounds fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:41 No.2992853
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:57 No.2992923
    I love the idea somehow said of War of the Worlds still happening. How ever, I'm inclined to do a different storyline:

    The 'Martians' are another great race, currently battling the Goa'Uld for supremacy across the galaxy, one of the reasons that they have not stumbled on to Earth or the other human worlds that never met them. The 'Martians' simply weren't mentioned in the SG show.

    They evolved from a kind of blood sucking squid, and they harvest the human populations with their tripods and walking machines.

    Interesting idea: the 'Martians' are the dead race that built the terraforming ship encountered in one of the early Stargate seasions.

    Three way war: Martians, Tauri, Goa'uld.
    >> That Damn Mouse 11/13/08(Thu)19:16 No.2993036


    ...I can't argue with this. You're so cool Canada. I wish we could be like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:08 No.2993226
    As a Britfag, I must say I like Canada and Australia equally. You're both excellant you guys.

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