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    File :1218069107.jpg-(359 KB, 1600x1200, P1010217.jpg)
    359 KB Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:31 No.2315030  
    I got a bit of a treat the other day.

    My group, the one I've had since high school, recently acquired a new member, an older guy that one of us met in a college gaming club (which they both left). We've been playing with him for about a year now, and he's a good player, but whenever we play at his house, he does something... a bit strange. Whenever an important roll comes up, he debates against himself whether or not he should get out THE DICE (capitalized for dramatic effect). He always just ended up rolling normally a few seconds later, and no one ever bothered to ask him about THE DICE.

    Yesterday, an important save or die roll came up. He got into the whole audible internal debate, and someone finally asked him. The story we heard, I'll try my best to remember it all.

    THE DICE are ones he received from his father, an extreme hobbyist who had them even before the original dungeons and dragons came out. Made out of various semi-precious stones, precision carved, they are his most treasured possessions. We then hear a tale, about how his father took THE DICE with him everywhere, and began to list the various temples, cathedrals, battlefields, and the like that they visited. He had them dipped in various healing springs, placed upon an altar in a church built at the bottom of a salt mine shaft hundreds of feet below the surface, and taken to the top of the twin towers (before they fell, of course). With all that said, among other things I forgot, we simply had to see them.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:32 No.2315033
    He retrieved from his bedroom a metal case, an unplugged electrical cord trailing from it. With a level of drama I can't even begin to describe, he slowly opened the case. I distinct hiss sound could be heard, and after waiting a moment, he began to retrieve THE DICE from what apparently was a vacuum sealed and chilled environment.

    They were all larger than regular dice, all varying in color and with edges that were chipped. There were dice I hadn't ever seen before, such as an enormous d30, and a d5 and a d7, and the d8 and d10 seemed a bit long. As we looked at them (no touching, of course), he finally took out the d20.

    It was big, and it's edges were chipped far worse than the others. He explained that THIS DIE had been rolled more times than any other, with literally hundreds of thousands of rolls to its name. It was an awesome DIE, one only to be used at the most important moments. Not because of its age or any notion of fragility, but because it destroys the idea of random chance. It WILL roll a 20 when needed. It COULD NOT roll anything else.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:32 No.2315036
    We semi-returned to the game, and the DM reminded us what spell had just been cast on the character. We all watched, and he carefully took the dice, and simply stared at it. He waited, letting the tension increase, more and more, and then slowly, ever so slowly, prepared to roll.

    "Forgive me, for I shall once again cheat fate" he said, drama dripping from each word, and I watched with a barely contained smile. I looked at everyone else while he still hadn't begun to roll, and saw similar smiles. Turning back to him, he finally seemed ready. With a final flourish and dramatic pause, he rolled THE DIE.

    It rolled.

    And rolled.

    It's chipped corners and considerable density made it roll for far too long, and it neared the very edge of the table. We watched as it stopped a little before the edge, and slowly walked over to see the number on the unpainted face.

    Bloody. Fucking.


    Dead silence. He's smiling. We're not. Someone says what everyone's thinking.

    "It's fucking rigged."
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:32 No.2315037
    He tells us to be careful, but examine it ourselves. Everyone else starts rolling it, and rolling it, and slowly, slowly, a bit of fear enters our hearts as all sorts of numbers appear. Finally, I get a chance to roll it.

    I trembled as I touched it. I wish I could tell you how that DIE felt, but I haven't lived long enough to find a comparison. It wasn't warm, cold, electric, heavy, light or any of those. If I wanted to describe it, it was something.. beyond. Like I was holding something I could see but belonged somewhere else. As I held THE DIE, filled with fear and pain, I turned to the owner. He suddenly looked at me, and his smile literally made my hand shake.

    I put it down without rolling. I suddenly realized how much I had been sweating in the few seconds I had held it. Everyone looked at me, started asking me what had happened, and after my breathing had returned to normal, I just told them it wasn't loaded.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:34 No.2315051

    Wow, what are the odds of that!

    (Hint: 1 in 20.)
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:35 No.2315054
    D20 bearing the mark of the Changer of Ways. Calling it now.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:37 No.2315068

    there's some impossible dies there, considering the sides of dies are normally of the same polygonal shape
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:39 No.2315081
    Hahaha! This is funny. I love THE DICE.
    >> Rogue Nigga !YDujGQLLRM 08/06/08(Wed)20:40 No.2315087
    Tzeentch plays dice. And the dice are loaded.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:40 No.2315091
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:42 No.2315102

    have you ever seen a die with that shape?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:43 No.2315107

    what are you trying to prove?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:44 No.2315113
    Were they HANDMADE and made of AWESOME?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:44 No.2315115
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:44 No.2315118
    I don't know about him, but I have.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:45 No.2315125
    This seems like a scene from some comedy that takes time to show what the minor characters were getting into the night some bigger comedy/drama took place.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:46 No.2315130

    i very much doubt it. all dies are regular polyhedrons.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:49 No.2315141
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:49 No.2315148
    A friend of mine makes retarded things like that in his free time.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:51 No.2315158
    Not that poster, but I own one.
    It's reasonably random.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:52 No.2315168
         File :1218070356.jpg-(23 KB, 900x108, dice.jpg)
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    Standard dice are regular polyhedra. Every side of a regular polyhedron is the same, so there is an equal probability that the die will land on any given side.

    You can find non-standard dice. Because of their shapes, it isn't guaranteed that the die will land on any given side with equal probability as any other. But you can get dice that are close enough to equal probability.

    In the story, the guy's dice were custom made anyway, so I don't see what the big deal is.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:53 No.2315176

    i got owned.
    never played with those kind of die
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:01 No.2315229
    hahaha, awesome. I want some.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:25 No.2315372
    I have the greatest urge to swing a great axe that deals a d15.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:33 No.2315432
    That's a d16. It's one better.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:36 No.2315457
    Not smart enough to count one more, sadly. Foot was chopped off during practice.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:39 No.2315475
    Jiggle flesh sad hound I wish, contribute greatly much anamnesis, wonder else confusion?

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