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    46 KB Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)00:35 No.1454513  
    So, /tg/.

    Many times I've browsed /tg/ only to find several threads full of game-breaking character builds for D&D, or Shadowrun, or somesuch thing.

    I would like to hear about your game-breaking builds for some of White Wolf's stuff - I'm most interested in VtM, personally, but any of it would do.

    As a relatively inexperienced tabletop gamer, I have no especially game-breaking builds to share, save perhaps the following discipline combo for physical combatants: Vicissitude 5/Protean 2. (Add Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude as desired for 'Salad Shooter' combat build.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)00:37 No.1454520
    apparently, white wolf games have way too more rping and story

    bloodlines is a good game
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)00:37 No.1454521
    In before porn of her. The faggot LARPer with the tripcode and drama.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)00:38 No.1454526
    There is ONE piece of /e/-worthy Jeanette porn of which I am aware. Nothing else is much more than 'close' to NSFW.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)00:44 No.1454550
    Btw, Vicissitude 5 = Physical trait minimum of 4 for Horrid Form, all brawl attacks do lethal damage.

    More likely you'll have straight-5's even if you're not a combat junkie, and if you're a combat-specialist you'll have anywhere from 6 to 8 in each physical trait.

    Throwing Celerity, Potence, or Fortitude is just heaping soak, automatic successes on damage rolls, and extra turns onto it. Having Protean 2 means you've got claws that do aggravated damage, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)00:47 No.1454561
    Entropy 6
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)00:57 No.1454587
    The easiest way to be broken in Vampire is to play a Lasombra.

    Obtenebration and Dominate both rely on Manipulation heavily, so just take 5 Manipulation and some Leadership, Intimidation and Occult.

    Instant murder, especially if you're low gen and can Dominate people to stand still while your tentacles have their way with them.

    And if you feel like taking Melee, well, take Potence too and you'll fuck shit up.

    Also, Presence is rather broken and a lot of people don't realize it. Presence 2 is insanely useful, and a lot of the powers don't require WP when they really, really should (we've house ruled it in). That's an easy way to get everything you want.

    Protean 2 is also the easiest way in the game to do aggravated damage.

    (Or you could just min-max a Tremere.)

    Anyway, broken merits: Enchanted Voice and Natural Leader. Your GM totally should not allow these.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)00:58 No.1454592
    Oh, also, Celerity. Can't forget Celerity.

    It's kind of fucked up in that if you don't have it, you can't hope to compete with people who do.

    (This is why my GM came up with another ruleset for it that is still badass but not as game-skewing.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:00 No.1454598
    Presence 5 is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in the game, and that's with it REQUIRING willpower expenditure.

    My favorite of the bunch is Presence 3, though. (Willing servants ftw - still need to get it on my Brujah.)
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:06 No.1454609
    Heh heh heh.

    In our Dark Ages game, we were going into Paris to save the king from where he was being imprisoned by peasants (lolol the Jacquerie fucking sucks).

    My Lasombra knight (who isn't min-maxed, has significant flaws, and has a Road of Kings stick up his ass, yet is still an awesome combat character) was getting all anxious not only because we had to cross the Seine to get to where he was held (Can't Cross Running Water is fun) but because there were a shitload of guards to get through.

    We tried to get in stealthily, and that failed. Crowds started to gather. So then the lovely lady in our group stood up and gave an inspiring call to duty to the peasants with a little help from Majesty, and she pointed them into the prison.

    An hour later, every single one of them was dead, but so were all of the guards.


    And GODDAMN DO I HATE PRESENCE 3. Bad experiences with it in our VtM game (but I got my revenge).

    Presence 4 was worse though. You know why?
    ...Guess what happens when you summon a paraplegic?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:11 No.1454620
    Oh god. That's awesome and awful at once.

    I have the fortune of being in a game where the players are all more or less on one another's side.

    Thus far, I have been playing a fairly stereotypical Brujah - I plan for him to transition into a more socially agreeable persona that could be comparable at a glance to a typical Toreador or Ventrue. (And then he caves somebody's skull in.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:16 No.1454634
    Get a semi automatic and max celerity and dexterity. If you can get an automatic shotgun, even better.

    Conversely, roll up someone with protean and get claws of the beast. Your hands do aggravated damage. Max out brawl and rip people apart. Resilience isn't half bad, either.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:22 No.1454653
    Well, we were TECHNICALLY on the same side, fighting against (i.e. hiding from) the same people. She was also blood bonded to me. She'd had a little Masquerade violation and killed 3 people, and the Prince wanted to execute her. My character volunteered to watch her and control her, blood bonding her just to be safe, and he agreed.

    This should have worked out fine, except:
    -by this point she'd already been bonded 2 times; this was a bit frustrating
    -she was a famous actress and was angry that no one worthwhile gave a shit about that in the vampire world
    -she was a very closeted lesbian, and did not take kindly to being forced to love a man (especially a crippled, oh-so-hateable accountant who she'd already been ridiculing and calling a homo).

    So she took it out on me in every way she possibly could.

    But I got my revenge in the end.

    I'll repost the story if you want, but it's loooong.

    It's called Fortitude 'round these parts.
    Also, Protean + Potence = FUUUUCK.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:23 No.1454659
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    ITT: munchkinfags
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:27 No.1454678
    I'd love to hear the story.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:30 No.1454691
    potenance + celerity = rape
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:31 No.1454695
    Also: Iron Will (Fortitude 3 + Presence 3, IIRC, Clanbook Brujah) = +2 Difficulty to attempts to mind control the character. Max out your Willpower and you are diff. 12 to mind control.

    How would that actually work? Does that make you impervious to mind control, or is there some system for rolling a difficulty above 10?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:31 No.1454696
    Slightly off topic, does anyone know if V:TM Bloodlines will work for 64 bit XP?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:32 No.1454701
    Well, the entire thing is reeeeally long, but this is the gist of what happened involving her:


    For example, one of my PKs was completely deserved and everyone else was basically waiting for me to do it (this is in Vampire). I was playing a self-hating, bitter paraplegic nerd, and he was playing an elitist world-famous actress. A third of the time she treated him like he was despicable and worthless; another third she treated him like a pet; and the rest of the time she acted like she expected him to protect her somehow. He got the Prince to allow her to live after a horrible Masquerade breach by making sure she was blood bonded to him-- this because a) he wanted to lord it over her and control her, b) she had important plot information, and c) in a twisted way, he sort of cared about her because he saw that she was fucked up too. This only made her resentful (not grateful for saving her life in the slightest), so she took it to the extreme and would hang on him all the time and try to get him in trouble or even killed.

    Now throw in my character switching over to the Sabbat, regaining the ability to walk, and becoming a full-fledged Abomination (long story). So he gets back to spy on the Camarilla, acts like he'd been tortured to cover things up (he actually HAD been tortured), and she treats him even worse. She not only ignored how completely fucked up he was, but she specifically insisted on repeatedly insulting his ghoul, whose death he felt responsible for.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:32 No.1454704
    Sorry, Iron Heart - and It's Potence 3/Presence 3.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:32 No.1454705
    The next night, she disappears to go hunting for blood. She doesn't come back by morning. It turned out that she got attacked by hunters and had to flee to the sewers just before sunrise. So instead of being reasonable and calling him on her cell phone, she used Presence 4, which summons the target to the area. This cannot be resisted if you get enough successes, and she did it to a guy who she thought was paraplegic. This would have resulted in him dragging himself through the street to get to her.

    He DID show up, but she was a little surprised when the cripple came RUNNING toward her shifting into werewolf battle form. She pleaded, but he just grinned, kissed her on the forehead and popped her head off.

    Sweet, sweet revenge.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:33 No.1454706
    does presence work on sociopaths?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:35 No.1454716
    Yeah, I was gonna say, that's not what Iron Will does.

    Also, I've seen people say that when you have difficulties over 10, it turns into the number of 10s you have to get, like a diff 11 roll = 2 10s, a diff 12 roll is 3 10s, etc. I dunno if that was bullshit, though, since I don't remember actually seeing it in the rules.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:35 No.1454717
    Not sure exactly how game-breaking this is, as I only remember it's off-hand description.

    Malk-in-a-box. A Malkavian with so many physical flaws and flaws regarding apperance that he is basically physically helpless. Max out the power that lets you take over someone else's mind to the point where you actually put your consciousness into theirs, and get the power that lets you transform other peoples bodies.

    Start out with enough resources to own an insanely well hidden and effectively impenetrable vault. Surrounded by a maze and traps etc. Also, start out with one follower. The malkavian's body is in the vault. He ghouls his follower. He uses the transformation ability to give his follower whatever physical stats, powers and abilities that he wants. Then he dominates his follower and lives through that person. He brings himself blood and amasses an army of transformed ghouls to protect him and do his bidding. The ghoul army kidnaps vampires and brings them to him to diabolarize, he gains more and more power, and when he feels like leaving his box, he spends XP to buy back flaws.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:36 No.1454721
    That's... pretty damn awesome, actually!

    If you don't mind me asking - how do Abominations work? Are they covered in a supplement somewhere? I was under the impression that they were short-lived, barely-sentient creatures that basically exploded violently at the end of their brief lifespan.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:36 No.1454723
    I hate you all
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:38 No.1454729
    weakness, nuclear bombs.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:39 No.1454736
    Or is it?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:39 No.1454739
    Yes. It also works on people who aren't on the path of Humanity.

    In place of love, they'd feel something like devotion or the burning desire to see the person succeed.

    We weren't playing with WoD werewolves, as you can see; Gangrel -> Werewolf just can't happen. Lycanthropy was a sort of magically transmitted disease that usually would only last a month with the rare bitten vampires who survived, but I had weird stuff going on (we replaced Protean 5 with wereform, so my Protean might've helped me, and I also happened to drink almost all of a werewolf's blood while he was attacking me.)

    But yeah, fun stuff that my ST came up with. I don't actually know if there are actually rules for Abominations, 'cause I certainly wasn't playing the same kind.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:41 No.1454743
    Ahh. Alright. That makes sense.

    From what little I know of oWoD-Abominations, they're basically constantly frenzied, not really intelligent anymore, and explode when they run out of gnosis or something. (I'm not very familiar with Old Werewolf, so I'm not sure of the specifics - this is mostly secondhand info.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:44 No.1454748
    There are ways of reducing the difficulty too I think, so it'd still be possible, but very, very unlikely. Unless the ST is a fag and decides that suddenly all the NPC's have a merit that lets them mind control you at dif. 4.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:44 No.1454749
    That sounds about right. I think I read somewhere that they all go insane from the Embrace if they're unlucky enough to survive it. Also they're completely broken in terms of combat, but you could've guessed that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:44 No.1454751
    I'll be burned for this, but...

    Using the more balanced Requiem?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:44 No.1454752
    If you're not a rolefag playing VtM then you're doing it wrong.

    Anyway, Malkavian Insanities worth playing

    1890-1970 embrace: Homosexuality (its in DSM III people)
    1990+ embrace: ADDHD (treated, chemically, keeps a blood pool of high school children on hand who don't have ADD but who s/he treats with Ritalin)
    Freud's "Rat Man". Guess he *didn't* die in the war after all.
    Wilhelm Reich. Best, Malk, Ever.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:50 No.1454766
    Only because OP requested game-breaking builds. oWoD's definitely easier to break than nWoD.

    Wut. Are you suggesting things that you could pretend are derangements but that you could easily completely ignore in gameplay?

    'Cause those certainly wouldn't be "worth playing" to me. I likes my crazies FUCKED IN THE HEAD.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:51 No.1454769

    Abominations were covered in the Werewolf: the Apocalypse Player's Guide for 2nd edition Werewolf.

    Essentially, they have to roll a Gnosis check when they're Embraced. Success on this check (and they can spend WP to gain an automatic success) means they die peacefully. Failure means they die horribly. A _botch_ means the Embrace takes.

    Garou Abominations are the most functional. They lose Gnosis whenever they act against Gaia or the creed of the Garou. There is no pass for Black Spiral Dancers - they too will lose Gnosis this way. If, however, an Abomination wishes to surrender to the Wyrm, it may surrender its Gnosis entirely and all free will - not actually an option most Black Spiral Dancers favor, since they usually want to amass personal power and prestige as well. If they do, they become an unthinking killing machine that is only distinguished from a _regular_ Abomination in Wassail (the state of permanent frenzy) by actually acting intelligently in service to the Wyrm - it won't, however, so much as tie its shoes if that does not serve the Wyrm's ends. Seriously. That's all it exists to do.

    There are other consequences for Embracing other Changing Breeds. Bastet are functional, I believe, but lose Gnosis every moon cycle unavoidably. Nuwisha always die. So do Corax, although I believe it takes longer. Mokole automatically frenzy - this lasts until they die or the sun rises, at which point they die anyways, with or without exposure. Obviously it's unwise to try to Embrace Mokole, as if you "succeed" you get a giant vampiric Godzilla wrecking your city for a night. I don't believe any except Garou have a potential long-term lifespan, though. I'd have to check.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:53 No.1454774

    Not really broke. You know how Werewolves only get to pick between Rage and Gnosis each turn, they can't use both? Abominations only get to pick between Rage, Gnosis, and Blood each turn.

    Oh, and I think they can use Gifts, but can't learn them (ha ha like a spirit's going to teach you?), and no Rite will be answered (ha ha like a spirit's going to answer you) except perhaps by the Wyrm. And even then it's a definite "maybe," not a yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:55 No.1454778
    My latest Vampire character is based off an idea I put forward on /tg/ in a NEEEERD RAAAAGE thread about WoD players only using the stereotypes of the Clans.

    He's a Brujah coffee-house revolutionist who hangs around arty, impressionable college students and uses his social skills and Presence to manipulate them into protesting and disrupting the Ventrue Prince's business dealings.

    Need I mention he is an Anarch?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:55 No.1454779

    Oh, I forgot one detail!

    They all must struggle against Harano, which is Super-Rage-Depression. So, win for you! Obviously this isn't a concern while frenzied or if you surrender your soul.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:56 No.1454786
    what about Bloodlines (lol vidya)? Any specifically under or overpowered abilities in that game?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)01:56 No.1454787
    >Obviously it's unwise to try to Embrace Mokole, as if you "succeed" you get a giant vampiric Godzilla wrecking your city for a night.
    So doing this in a Camarilla city if I ever get the chance.

    Ah, I take that back then. It's been years since I actually looked at the Werewolf books.

    Can't they learn Disciplines, though? And ones that wouldn't require blood spending would certainly help push them in the broken direction.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:56 No.1454788
    >you could pretend are derangements but that you could easily completely ignore in gameplay?

    Homosexuality. I don't mean some "Yeah, me and my husband have a dog and a mortgage," or HARDU GAYU well adjusted gay. I mean *ALAN TURING* gay. "My childhood boyfriend died, I shall defeat death with computing" gay.

    ADDHD (treated). I think we're all aware that feeding ADDHD kids ritalin is a bad idea? That feeding non ADDHD kids speed is a worse idea? Medication culture => fun. Turn it into a speed addiction with your next Humanity dot loss and have the fun rack up.

    Freud's "Rat Man". Have you read the patient notes on the rat man?

    Wilhelm Reich. Dude. Dude. 1) Seeing into what others would consider the fae realm, forcibly locking people into positive and negative orgone accumulators. Keeping William Burroughs locked under your bed undying in a box, not because he's a ghoul, but *because of orgone*.


    here's your spoon this board is pretty random XD
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:56 No.1454789

    Download a completely legitimate and legal backup copy of the 32 bit version and dual boot, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:56 No.1454790
    A ventrue heavily influenced by scarface ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:58 No.1454797
    They can learn disciplines.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)01:59 No.1454800
    I played an OCD Malk who had to do things three times, and couldn't enter or exit a room without flicking the lights. So we're breaking into a warehouse, and all the lights are off for the night. Malk walks in, flicks the lights. Security guard dials his boss, cue a Sabbat pack pissed that we were trying to steal their shit. TPK, and the ST gave me an extra freebie point next game for playing it well.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)02:03 No.1454809
    So fun. PLAY HIM DAMN YOU.

    Aw, man, c'mon. This is a rare chance for us to talk about VtM instead of Bloodlines, which is what 99% of threads involving Vampire on /tg/ are actually about!

    -Homosexuality: Players could easily just say that their characters are closeted, and it could never come up. (THIS HAPPENED WITH THE TORY I MENTIONED EARLIER. No one ever found out in game that she was a lesbian, and she clearly had deep issues surrounding it.)

    -ADDHD: Still not really a derangement. Also, you can't actually medicate derangements, as that would a) be cheating and b) override the stronger, magical influence that the blood has on the vampire.

    And I'm not going to argue against the other two.

    Awesome. TPKs take SKILL.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:03 No.1454810
    It's a videogame. Look up the cheats and give yourself unlimited XP. Also, Celerity.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:03 No.1454814
    So what advice can you offer for a Dark Ages LARP? I'm about to start one, but I'm almost entirely unfamiliar with the rules and would like to, in some way, kick some ass.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)02:06 No.1454828

    LASOMBRAAAAAAAA. Don't play an incredibly stereotypical one, though, as that would be boring!

    Playing an honorable Lasombra is so fun it hurts.

    Plus, dude, TENTACLES.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:07 No.1454829
    >>1454809 So fun. PLAY HIM DAMN YOU.

    I am. My favourite character since I started playing nearly ten years ago. And the others in the coterie still use him as a threat.
    "See that guy? He's a Brujah. Now spit it out, Malk, or we'll let him loose on you."
    "The effeminate looking guy in the turtle neck and girls' jeans?"
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:08 No.1454835

    What abilities to get such awesome, and what awesome should I get? Remember, I know very little. Thanks in advance, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:11 No.1454846
    It seriously depends on your group, dude. If they are good and the ST is fair, you can't really make a bad character.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)02:13 No.1454858
    Obtenebration is the discipline you want. It involves controlling shadows (made out of pure Hell, some people like to say; my knight thinks it's primal fear). See >>1454587 for advice on how to be ridiculous, but I suggest in terms of making an actually interesting character that you lessen the MUST MIN-MAX FOR DISCIPLINES influence.

    And as for how to make an awesome character, well, that's up to you! "ROLLING 10 DICE ALL THE TIME" is all well and good, but as with all min-maxing, you're sacrificing character for stats.

    Oh god fuck yes.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:15 No.1454869

    >And as for how to make an awesome character, well, that's up to you! "ROLLING 10 DICE ALL THE TIME" is all well and good, but as with all min-maxing, you're sacrificing character for stats.

    Dude. Stormwind Fallacy. http://forums.gleemax.com/showpost.php?p=11990222 Only good thing to come out of the official Wizards forums.
    >> Chief.Runs.With.Scissors !!fz+QAWSeXos 04/02/08(Wed)02:17 No.1454875
    Vampires discussions, in /tg/? I think I'll join in...

    Currently playing a Gangrel... He is built for being really snipey and since the storyteller has put in Shadowrun tech & whatnot... Let's just say it's damn-fun to hack yourself an ass-load of furniture from a smart-gun that Brujah managed to steal from a Nos named 'Fast Eddie'... Damn that was a lucky few rolls... It gets damn-fun when you can hack Military-tech to be freelance just before a Nos-Raid...

    Anyway, for some reason we've ended-up with another Gangrel, a Toreador, a Ventrue (with drive 4 {Dude backed a truck down a snow-covered mountain trail so the storyteller gave him it}), and a Trumere that worships the ground that the Toreador walks on... Perfectly-fine for learning Thomaturgy, really annoying otherwise...
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)02:21 No.1454896
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    What about this gem?

    (Also, min-maxing is not the same as optimizing in my vocabulary. Min-maxing REQUIRES sacrificing roleplaying; optimizing does not. There is a guy in my group who cannot help but optimize his characters, but he's also a great roleplayer-- he's the one with Majesty who I mentioned earlier in the thread.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:24 No.1454908

    Uranium sword? enjoy radiation, heh
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)02:24 No.1454909
    How to break WoD? Play a Mage. Master a Sphere, usually entropy. Proceed to fuck the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:25 No.1454910

    Valid counterargument there.

    (Hm, I'd say min/max -- minimize weakness and maximize strength -- is optimization; my equivalent vocabulary would be between minmax/optimization vs munchkins. But I get your point and can dig it.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:25 No.1454912
    Is that the thread where people started houseruling for radiation poisoning and it degenerated into a clusterfuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:30 No.1454930
    OP Here.

    Curiousity strikes - what kind of crazy-ass build would Nines Rodriguez (SP?) from Bloodlines have to have to survive not one, but two crinos-form werewolves and then TEAR ONE OF THEIR HEADS OFF?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:31 No.1454934
    Isn't that clan kinda begging for someone to pull a hellsing alucard clone out of it?

    In the game(yeah the pc) jack denied the running water one, so does the p&p have it or is it a lasombra weakness, like the fact that tzmerice have to have some dirt from their homeland to sleep in?

    I think they also had the stereotypical, can't be seen in mirrors deal with them too right? I think it also applied with security cameras and probably normal photographs too so that could be a bit of a double edged sword deal.

    From the bit I have heard about oWOD and nWOD old sounds MUCH more interesting.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:33 No.1454940
    If you're fucking the world then you're playing it wrong. Mage is more like memefags spamming /b/ to force a meme.

    Mage: The Milhousening.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)02:35 No.1454944

    Both are good. oWoD had tons of fluff but poor mechanics. nWoD has great mechanics but you are your own fluff.


    In my Mage games the world usually ends up destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:36 No.1454948
    You pocket dimension any bitch who tries.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)02:37 No.1454952

    Actually it's the sheer force of Paradox that usually does it. The last one was the sun exploding.

    Quite fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:37 No.1454953
    Paradox ftw.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:38 No.1454954
    Running water, along with a handful of other 'classical vampire' weaknesses are simply flaws that you can take. Lasombra's weakness is that they don't show up in mirrors.

    As for Alucard, he'd probably be a high-generation Caitiff with a lot of diablerie under his belt, high levels of Obtenebration, Fortitude, and Vicissitude, plus a mish-mash of flaws, some of which are custom-made.

    I'm pretty sure you can't even begin to consider him without Vicissitude 9, which - if I'm not mistaken - was essentially 'endless regeneration'.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)02:38 No.1454955
    This stuff came out well before Hellsing.

    And no, the Lasombra clan weakness is that they don't show up in mirrors (or cameras, etc.). My ST also added the "most be invited in order to enter dwellings" myth because it's fun. I took the flaw Can't Cross Running Water, which in Dark Ages means that you take a level of unsoakable bashing damage for every turn you spend above it... and a level of aggravated damage per turn you spend IN the water.

    The fluff is really not as restrictive as people seem to think it is in oWoD, though I do agree that they streamlined the mechanics better in nWoD.

    Also, the one Mage game I've played ended with the world ending, as I've said before, so you can add that to your statistics.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:39 No.1454958
    No no, if the mage tries to fuck up something as big as the state of California, paradox shunts them into a pocket dimention specifically so they do not destroy the world
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)02:40 No.1454962

    We had about a hundred thousand or so do that shit all at once.

    Overloaded the system.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:41 No.1454967

    Damn, that is more effort than I am wiling to put into it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:44 No.1454981
    Ah it was a chosen flaw. and I know it's older. It doesn't mean someone wouldn't pull it.

    Rangers are an old class and such but now most people using some like to pull drizzt clones and such.

    You just have people do that stuff after it gets popular.

    Note I LIKE drizzt in the books but if you are going to play a P&P rpg then make your own damned original characters.

    Try to BREAK molds instead of using them.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:45 No.1454987
    Correction, Alucard cannot even begin to be considered without Vicissitude 10 (Reform Body).
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:45 No.1454988
    I forgot to ask, does that count if your are on a bridge or is it wading through it like the blood omen legacy of kain game deal?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:46 No.1454990
    Most of his shit seemed shadows based instead of flesh, and isn't that what vicissitude messes with flesh and blood and bone?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:47 No.1454992
    I had a Malk with "Tourist Syndrome" in an old Dark Ages game, she had to take something from every new place she visited; most places she was fine, but often my ST would roll to see what she would get fixated on. One time I stole the Prince of London's favourite Broach, as well as her court Painter's brushes.
    The other time I almost stole an essential stone being used in a ritual for some tremere. Removing it mean we would have all been sucked into a pocket dimension. It got to the point where they had to drag me out kicking and screaming; and after she turned Sabbat she returned and send a shovelhead in to get it. When he failed she started killing tremere until they gave her something similar.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)02:48 No.1454995

    About that. SCIENCE can defeat him though. Imagine that.

    He needs a weakness to quantum physics
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:49 No.1455000

    Obtenebration simply doesn't achieve the regenerative effects that Alucard regularly does. Fortitude soaks damage - which Alucard can do, but most of what he does is take the damage in full and then go 'lawlz 10,000 health levels of aggravated damage? gotta do better than that'.

    He would certainly have Obten, mind, I just think he'd have Vicissitude pretty high, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:51 No.1455008

    Tho', I think it would take a Mage of some sort to pull what they did in the manga - which is to say, DIVIDE HIM BY ZERO. Though technically speaking, even that doesn't kill him - it effectively defeats him, but he still (theoretically) exists.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:53 No.1455018
    Oh the regen.... I forgot about that. I was referring to his shadow tentacle hell hounds with 150 eyes on them kinda shit he loved to pull to mind fuck his enemies right before BODY fucking them with them.

    but yeah his regen was broken as shit..... if I recall the manga seemed to suggest, right after he FULLY proved he was Vlad Tepes, that the REASON he was so fucking hard to kill is that he got another life for ALL the people who he "ate" or whatever you call it, which was like over 10,000 or more if I remember.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)02:53 No.1455021

    Yeah, that would be magic territory. As far as magic goes, you could unmake him, but that's more trouble than it's worth.

    Personally, I'd just launch him into deep space, let him be some other planets problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:54 No.1455024
    Something I had fun with was playing as a Malefactor from Demon: The Fallen. Get Perception 5 Crafts 5, Lore of the Forge 2, and the apocalyptic form ability "Master Craftsman" or something. Reduces the difficulty of all Crafts rolls by 2. Then team up with a Devil with enough Lore of Celestials to give you bonus dice on your Lore Rolls.

    Next, using mundane crafts rolls, build yourself equipment. Guns, swords, armor, boots, clothing, watches, everything you could possibly use.

    Next, with the Devil boosting your dice pool, enhance every piece of equipment. For every success you get, you can reduce the difficulty of using one ability with that item by 1, increase the difficulty of resisting an ability used with this item by 1, increase the damage dice from a weapon by 1, increase the soak from armor by 1, or increase some measurable aspect by 20% (computer speed, weapon range etc.)

    You should be rolling 20 dice at difficulty 3 for each enhancement. Each piece of equipment costs you 1 willpower to make the enhancement permanent. You should have armor that soaks on a 3 and up, and grants you 15+ soak dice and is perfectly concealable under normal clothing. Your gun will hit on a 3 and up, and add 5 to the difficulty to soak, with extra damage dice tacked on too. And whenever you are going into combat, enhance the bullets in your magazine to add on even more damage dice.

    For the rest of your equipment, use your imagination.

    Also, make sure to take the custom Apocalyptic Form power that lets you burn faith points for extra actions. Demonic Celerity ftw.

    Oh, an addendum about the magic gun thing: You cannot attempt to dodge bullets in the World of Darkness, so your target's only defense against the giant pile of damage is their lethal soak rating, which they will be rolling at difficulty 10.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:54 No.1455026
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)02:59 No.1455039
    Forgot to mention, building your own equipment reduces the difficulty of enhancing it by 1 or 2, which is why the difficulty on your roll is 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:00 No.1455043
    >or cameras, etc.

    Seems like a pretty exploitable weakness... not even a real weakness at all if you use it right.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:01 No.1455045
    So, if nazi vampire guy can do that to Alucard, what's stopping anyone else from doing it to him?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:03 No.1455052
    That is what I was thinking.

    "Dammit you were seen by that camera, now we're in trouble."

    "Wrong dumbass, lasombra. All they'll see on it is some shit getting broken for no explainable reason."

    Course if I remember right lasombra were sabat anyway and probably didn't give a shit about violating the masquerade.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:06 No.1455059
    What happened was, Millennium created a being called 'Schrodinger' - Schrodinger allowed himself to be absorbed into Alucard.

    Schrodinger himself was 'everywhere and nowhere', and only existed because he observed himself. When Alucard absorbed him, he ceased to observe himself and became a part of Alucard.

    As a result, Alucard became a set of imaginary numbers. IMO, this was a risky move - for one thing, it doesn't actually DESTROY Alucard, although it does defeat him for the time being.

    For another... if Alucard is able to return, you've just given him the ability to teleport anywhere on the planet with a thought.

    A Mage from WoD could do this fairly easily, but Millennium expended every ounce of their resources just to half-assedly (and not assuredly) defeat Alucard. Furthermore, as I have said previously...

    The show's not over 'til the curtain falls, and Hellsing is still going.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:08 No.1455064
    shouldn't that be completely impossible? I mean if you can be in hundred places at once should;t the fucking universe implode due to the paradox of it all?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:09 No.1455069
    Depends on the circumstances. If you walk into certain places, it's going to be pretty conspicuous if you don't show up in a mirror.

    Although I expect most vampires don't bother with this kind of thing since they just go right back the next night, a simple barber's shop is the kind of place where not turning up in a mirror would be noticed quickly.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:10 No.1455076
    Well, no, the Mage would probably do it differently and actually unmake him or turn him into something harmless, like a lawn chair.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)03:10 No.1455078


    Theoretical math is weird like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:10 No.1455079
    Naw dude, that is the effect of Correspondence 6
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)03:11 No.1455082

    Lawn chair Vampire. I remember that. Still lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:11 No.1455084
    You mean pointless and idiotic because it can't be done by anything short of a deity?
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)03:12 No.1455090

    I tend to agree with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:13 No.1455092
    It's a vampre animu. Impossible shit happens like all the time. In this case, it's nice they even bothered to come up with a halfassed explanation rather than going "lol vampire magic".
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:14 No.1455094
    I mean, why study something that is obviously impossible for humans to accomplish? I mean BENDING the laws of time and space would probably take millienia to even up to do.

    That would be like raping it inside out.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)03:15 No.1455100

    Theoretical math is the nerdier alternative to religion. Thats the real reason people do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:16 No.1455108
    More like LOL deus ex machina.

    Which would be better if they didn't try to half way explain it as something that is clearly impossible to do and just pointed out that's what it was I think.

    My suspension of disbelief can only go SO far.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:17 No.1455113
    I prefer religion. At least with that you don't cease to be when you die and you have a happy place full of candy and multiple orgasms and shit
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:18 No.1455116
    Exalted (1st ed Sidereals): Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Form (in the fluff part: you become aware of all of creation) + whatever it was called (basically instagib anyone, and possibly anything, you're aware of if you want to, unless they've got charms or so for defence) = you broke the world. Literally.

    Another fun one being the fair folk charm that renders you immune to charms when you walk around in creation. So that 3-willpower, 50-mote Multiple Perfect Attack Moutaincleaver Übercombo (of Doom)? Yeah, it's a single normal attack as far as you're concerned.

    Of course, social charms were pretty b0rked too without social defences. So it's five successes to "hold a nation in your thrall", or convince one of the more powerful men in the world to stop sending assassins after you, and start sending them after your enemies instead. Well, I just got 20, and that without trying very hard...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:20 No.1455126
    2nd Edition has a style listed in 'Scroll of the Monk' with an Essence-8 charm that permits you to become a miniature primordial.

    Your attributes go through the roof, and the geas that prevented the Gods from acting directly against the Primordials applies to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:20 No.1455127

    Be sure to tap out its Willpower first, or it will spend a Willpower for an automatic success and die peacefully.

    Then hope it had crappy Gnosis so it botches easily, which isn't honestly going to happen most of the time, since the bigger/nastier the Mokole, the higher their Gnosis.

    And as a note, not ALL Mokole have Godzilla forms. Just some.

    Soooo. Tricky.
    >> GARdian 04/02/08(Wed)03:20 No.1455128

    Sidreals are resisted by dodging and integrity.

    Fair Folk by cold iron and clever wording.

    Yes, Social charms are badass unless they spend Willpower.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:21 No.1455132
    Zomg, if you don't understand the concept of "paradigm" then playing mage is useless. You're out to win the hearts and minds people, hearts and minds. People believe the sun will come up tomorrow, so it does. They don't actually believe its a giant gaseous ball floating in space, well, some do, but not all that many.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:25 No.1455144
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    OP here.

    Good night, /tg/!
    Also, have moar jeanette.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:26 No.1455146

    Another Demon: The Fallen trick. Lore of Fundament 3 lets you throw any object of any size 30 yards per success on a strength/athletics roll. There is no size limit. I once killed a character who had 16 health levels and dozens of soak dice by dropping a rock the size of a large house on him. There were something like 30 automatic damage levels, along with 26 or so more from successes on my damage roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:33 No.1455158
    Amazing, there are people who aren't me that bought that book.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:33 No.1455159
    City Gangrel with maxed Stealth and Brawl. Really, the only thing you need is Aggravated damage, Celerity to make 9+ such damage per round and Obfuscate to strike from out of sight with diminished difficulties. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)03:35 No.1455163
    Kitsune fucking explode when they are embraced, if i recall.

    I've had a bit easier time breaking NWoD.
    Nwod gangrel tank
    4 Stamina (5 for gangrel free dot,).
    Giant Size.
    Resilience 5
    Protean 3
    Wits and Dex 3
    Brawl 5
    Brawling Dodge

    And take Flesh Like Iron from nomads, as well as wear Chainmail or something like that. Defense is high enough to reduce almost all attacks to chance pull. The only downside is you move slower than shit, are slow on initiative, and it only lasts for 3 turns. But that's 3 turns where shit just glances off of you. Shit's so cash. Even without spending for said devotion, you have a metric fuckton of health levels. Diab your way to success, so you can burn more blood to heal.

    Granted, in OWoD you could just do most of that, and get crazy ass 6+ fortitude disciplines which did crazy shit i don't even remember. Except that one that literally makes you go juggernaut.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)04:08 No.1455289

    That's assuming you can even find a Mokole in the first place. Good luck.


    You can dodge bullets in oWoD. You just had to get behind cover quickly and the difficulty of the Dodge roll reflected that. So if all you had to do was duck your head back down behind a car, its difficulty 4, but a full run and dive behind a car is like 9.

    But no cover? No Dodge.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)04:11 No.1455298
    Corax explode when embraced also, if I recall correctly. And if they actually manage to get successfully turned, they burst into flames at the next sunrise, even if they're underground.

    (they're tied to the sun instead of the moon)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)04:24 No.1455354
    So celerity doesn't let you pull off bullet dodging matrix shit?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)09:20 No.1456441
    About the Lasombra weakness:

    Correct, it's kind of a shitty weakness, especially in medieval times when NO ONE EVEN HAS MIRRORS. And it could be advantageous, unlike, say, the Gangrel clan flaw, which sucks ass. That's why we added the whole invitation thing. Also, you take more damage from sunlight or something, but that's never come up for me (...and boy do I hope it doesn't. 1 Fort is not enough).

    Well, the Dodge roll increases the difficulty for you to be hit. Doesn't automatically work. Also, cover makes it harder for YOU to shoot, too. For example, a little bit of cover means you're +1 to hit and don't take a penalty, but if you're around a corner, you're +3 to hit and +2 to hit others.

    Honestly? This depends on the ST. I think unless you've got very high celerity or you're already at a great distance, dodging bullets is bullshit, but some would probably let you do it because it looks cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)12:43 No.1457194
    Bear in mind that every dot of Celerity is a full additional action equal to your Celerity rating - well, in VtM at least. They changed it in VtR.

    And you get all those extra actions by spending 1 blood point - if you've got a low enough generation, you can eventually get an advanced power that lets you use it on-demand rather than spend the blood a round before you intend to use it.

    It doesn't really NEED additional advantages to be fucking ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)12:48 No.1457229
    I always though City Gangrel were one of the craziest things out of the box in OWoD. Clan disciplines of Celerity, Obfuscate and Protean? Sheesh...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)12:50 No.1457234
    Addendum: Using Celerity defensively is a specific power that starts at level 6 - you spend a number of blood points equal to your number of defensive actions to turn all of your dice in your dice pool into successes.

    There's also the level 7 Flower of Death (Bonus to Attack) and Stutter-Step (Bonus to Defense).

    I'm pretty sure that you have to buy 'advanced' Celerity disciplines separately from generic (MOAR TURNS FOR ME) Celerity, though - in the case of Celerity Refinement I'd go for it in a heartbeat, but some of the others are mehish.
    >> Dr. Zombie 04/02/08(Wed)12:54 No.1457251
    Huff huff huff... WoD thread... almost missed it... but I'm here. *breathes*

    You know what I have to say about broken builds? Vicissitude combo attack of Blood form and Acid blood. "I'm living acid... HUG ME!"
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)12:59 No.1457269
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)13:03 No.1457289
    then there was that combat book with all the ridiculous things that you could do in there like the vampire fighting style that could make a single vampire rip through a pack of were wolves in 2 rounds and only if they were really tough and the vampire was toying with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)13:05 No.1457302
    So do you get to have sex with Jeanette?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)13:06 No.1457313
    Is Burning Wrath worth it? 15 XP, IIRC - you can spend a blood point to make an unarmed attack do agg. damage. Prereqs of Potence 3/Celerity 3.

    However, you must use it prior to rolling the dice, and... well, you have to spend a blood point every time you want it to do agg.

    I figure that it would be better to get Protean 2 if possible, but assuming that Protean isn't easily acquired, how is this as an alternative?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)13:09 No.1457331
    If you favor her in every step of the game and don't say the wrong things when it comes to Therese, yes.

    It's not much of a reward, and it bores the hell out of her.

    I've always assumed that her nymphomania is a part of her derangement, because it's not something that vampires enjoy that much anymore, and they either have to have many ranks in a secondary skill, a merit, or spend blood points to properly ... well, FEEL like something other than a corpse.
    >> !girl.OcrGM 04/02/08(Wed)13:52 No.1457576

    Sex with vampires must be horrible unless it's inside some really warm place. Someone sticking their 18C shaft into you/you sticking your shaft into 18C vagina = fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)13:52 No.1457578

    What is it with Mages and their transmute-vampires-into-lawn-furniture compulsions?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)14:02 No.1457639
    Well, it's not that a vampire isn't capable of warming him or herself up - it's just that it costs them blood points to do so. It isn't exactly elaborated on as to how many blood points is required to do this, but it's stated outright that even APPEARING fully mortal requires the expenditure of blood in the opening of the 3E VtM guide.

    That said, there is a merit you can take that appears to negate this - It's called 'Masquerade', and at 5 dots even the Hunters can't tell you're not a human.

    Supposedly you also regain some of your former human capacities, such as enjoying sex, bleeding if you care to do such, and so forth - I'm not sure how true it is, but it's supposed to be considered perverse by most kindred society.

    Mostly, it's just to highlight the fact that a Mage is easily capable of defeating a vampire. That said, I really wouldn't want to test it - as I understand it, Mages are still ultimately mortal and a bullet to the head would kill them just as surely as any other human.

    I would hazard to guess, though, that it's harder to actually nail them like that than a normal human.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)14:05 No.1457663
    Er, ability. Not merit.
    Although there is the 'Blush of Health' merit, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)14:20 No.1457746
    Guess that's why intereference is unusual (except Hermes trying to annoy the Tremere every now and then). Sure, a mage can kill a vampire "easily", but they usually don't have enough passive protection to survive an attack either.

    Unrelated question: What are the rules for a vampire recognizing another as one? Without using Dementate or Auspex i mean. From the description one'd think they could notice it, at least if not spending blood to fake it, but i never found any rules (like a perception+empathy roll or something like that).
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)14:34 No.1457817
    in my group that's known as the "Who has Preptime?" rule;
    if the mage gets the jump on the vampire, mage will win, if the vampire has the first attack, vamp wins
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)14:34 No.1457818
    I'm not sure. Generally I am of the opinion that it is not that difficult to spot a vampire below humanity 7 unless they've got Masquerade out the ass, Blush of Health, or they're consciously putting effort into not looking like a walking corpse.

    They're not so obvious that anybody really raises an eyebrow unless they're paying too much attention, but ... well, look at Jeanette in the OP picture. You wouldn't know for SURE that she's a vampire, but she sure as hell doesn't look NORMAL.

    I'm not aware of any specific rules, tho', save for the notes on appearance changes by means of humanity, blush of health, or masquerade.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)14:38 No.1457833
    >It isn't exactly elaborated on as to how many blood points is required to do this
    It's 8 minus Humanity rating blood points, I think. When you're 8+ Humanity, you don't have to spend it.

    "I check to see if he's breathing."
    There's no in between here not to notice, so you don't really have to roll. The ST could also roll Perception+Alertness to see if you notice stuff like not blinking and not breathing. You just have to know what signs to look for and it's fairly easy.

    Also, your Path/Road rating pretty much shows how human you are. Humanity 7 or above pretty much look human, and any lower and you get increasingly bestial- or monstrous-looking. Vampires who are on other Paths are treated as if they have 3 Humanity, regardless of their actual path-rating, and they're sorta obvious if you aren't a human whose brain glosses over this stuff.

    Yeeeeah. An unprepared mage against a thug with a gun is fucked (hell, even if you're a Life mage and can heal right after, the paradox is not gonna be fun).
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)14:40 No.1457842
    HURRHURR I'm tired so I replied to the same thing twice. YAY.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)14:44 No.1457855
    Yes, it can be read like that, because like the rest of the demon: the fallen stuff, it's a very vague ability. But if you look at it, the spirit of the rule was to replace things you could throw normally (knives, rocks, clumps of sand, whatever). You'll notice it provides new damage and range for things you throw and it doesn't really account for hitting people with cars.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)17:31 No.1458467
    I bet it doesn't actually say you can't chuck cars though
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)18:10 No.1458642
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    That this is still alive astonishes and pleases me.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)21:45 No.1459768

    Humans smell like food, vampires don't.

    When I ST it's clear to vampires, not to humans.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)21:50 No.1459810
    CONUNDRUM: Vampire blood is more delicious than human blood.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)21:55 No.1459841
    In NWoD the Predator's Taint pretty much handles this. If you suddenly get an unnatural urge to immediately attack or flee from someone you probably just met a Vampire.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:01 No.1459875
    I hate this mechanic.

    It seems to me like a mechanic is pretty flawed when they pretty much have to say, 'STORYTELLERS, DON'T BE A DICK AND MAKE YOUR PLAYERS ROLL FRENZY EVERY TIME THEY MEET A VAMPIRE.'
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)22:03 No.1459892
    That is my least favorite part of nWoD.

    Vampire social dynamics are what makes the game fun, and freaking out (or having the chance to freak out) whenever you meet someone new doesn't appeal to me, since that means you WANT to keep your social contacts very limited. Yes, we get it, vampires are predators made to be loners.

    Their society does not support this.

    Also, agreeing with >>1459875.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:15 No.1459965
    Sure. So In structured social situations (e.g. Elysium) I figure that vampires are enough at ease enough and expecting contact so that no roll in necessary. However, if you're just walking around a streetcorner and unexpectedly encounter them, or some other unanticipated situation, I think a roll is warranted.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:17 No.1459977
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    Oh, hello thar. Is it time for the daily wankety wank wank wank session?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)22:20 No.1459990
    Right, that makes more sense, so if I were playing Requiem with people who wanted it, I'd use it like that. But I'd rather not include it at all, since like I said, it doesn't make sense with the social structure they've made for themselves. They SHOULDN'T have this big, complicated society if they're encouraged that heavily by their instincts to be loners.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:24 No.1460010
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:35 No.1460063
    My dust-bowl era, one-eyed ventrue anarch laughs at the pitiful builds in this thread. And then drops Majesty upon you while headbutting you into the ground.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:38 No.1460074
    Teach us, oh wise one.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:45 No.1460114
    Nothing much to teach. I'm a rolefag through and through, and luckily the people I game with online are also like that. Just have enough potence to pick someone up by their ankles and slam them repeatedly against the wall until they acknowledge who the alpha male is.

    As for game breaking, the best I've got going for him would be lots of Presence and Dominate. Why, you ask?

    "One does not fight -A- Ventrue. One fights the Ventrue, his childe, his friends, his allies, all those who owe him favors, and any poor fool who meets his gaze on the way to the battlefield."

    Nothing says "FUCK YOU!" like sending in waves of brainwashed SWAT teams/gang members with gasoline to a rival's house during the day.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:48 No.1460123
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    This thread requires more SCIENCE!

    I shall have to see about building a machine to fix that... TO THE LABORATORY!

    Also: armor-plated hydrogen-filled zepplins. WITH LASERS.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)22:49 No.1460128
    And that is what I love about Vampire.

    However I will always hate Presence simply because of how much it has raped me in the past.

    Also that when I succeeded pretty well on my Diablerie roll against the Prince and so inherited some of his strengths, the DM decided to give my Abomination, who had Charisma 1 and Appearance 1... a dot of Presence.

    SO FUCKING USELESS. But at least it was funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:53 No.1460148
    >However I will always hate Presence simply because of how much it has raped me in the past.

    You turn your back on them, you close your eyes and take your +2 difficulty to beat the stuffing out of them, or you blow the willpower point. My favorite technique by far, however, is the Ventrue Combo discipline Denial of Aphrodite's Favor.

    "Fuck you! I AM THE LORD AND MASTER HERE! Your pitiful attempts at toying with my emotions are doomed to failure, waterblood!"
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)22:55 No.1460166
    Well, see what I meant in >>1454701. If need be, entering frenzy voluntarily would work just great.

    Paraplegic + Presence 3 (from an ally) + Presence 4 = AAAAAARGH.

    ...I sure as hell took Iron Will (which our GM also applies to Presence) on my next character.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:57 No.1460177
    To the people talking about Abominations, you left out Ratkin. Which, if I recall correct, continue to function for a few days before they rot so much that they fall apart.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)22:58 No.1460180
    There's a Toreador merit, Blaise`, which is to Presence what Iron Will is to Dominate.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)23:03 No.1460208
    Yeah, but it makes sense to have both in one trait. If you can resist Dominate, you should be able to resist Presence too, since they're basically the same thing from different angles. So I don't mind that it's one merit for us.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:06 No.1460238
    Hope you bumped up the price on it a little bit.

    Also, for some odd reason, your post has made me NERD RAGE about how characters from Demon: the Fallen are not bothered by Presence in the least. God damn it.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)23:08 No.1460258
    Yep, of course. Otherwise everyone and their mother would take it.

    Wait, are you serious? Presence does nothing to Demons?! It should at least affect the human/host-ish part of them, goddammit.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:12 No.1460289
    According to how most of the STs I've dealt with have seen it, it falls in under the whole "YOUR MIND POWERS DO NOT WORK ON ME". Those who have claimed that it has some sort of impact had them roll I think it was Awareness at a rediculously low difficulty to snap out of it.

    This was started on New Bremen to keep the pissed off Ventrue from, as a whole, raping the new infernal upstart that was meddling in their fucking buisness.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:17 No.1460318
    Protip: oWoD sucked even more balls tha nWoD in terms of balance when you combined games.

    Flavor wise, it make have to do with the whole hierarchy of evil. Demons>offspring of Cain. Infernal rank has its perks.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:25 No.1460352
    Oh, I'm ready and willing to accept the whole balance of power thing. It was just annoying to see the various run-arounds that people on all sides of the aisle came up with. Of course, NB was filled with AIDS for a good long time...

    Also, fucking blood bond not being respected because it makes your fucking fantasy self-insert do things other then what you'd want to do god damn it. Most fucking powerful emotion on earth next to true love, and even then only true love on a good day, and people claim bullshit reason after bullshit reason to work around it...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:29 No.1460372
    My request: Break Changeling, either one.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)23:32 No.1460379
    Well, I was about to agree with you but then I remembered what two of my characters who've been Presence 3'd did. They haven't gotten completely around it, but they certainly didn't outwardly show the devotion that it caused. I was anxious both times if I was doing it right, since it didn't really look like Presence stereotypically does.

    One of them (the aforementioned Gangrel) fucking hated her, so he didn't bend to her every whim, but he still went out of his way to be nice to her and do things for her when he really should have been bringing her to the Prince for execution since she was uncontrollable.

    The other, who I'm playing currently, is incredibly heavily into chivalry. He's been Presenced to the lady who I mentioned in >>1454609, and he doesn't COMPLETELY fawn over her because that would look weak, but he does praise her often, tries to spend as much time with her as he can, and tries to sway things in her favor. But he can't really act on the Presence directly because of his beliefs-- you know how courtly love is supposed to be.

    Should I change his behavior, you think? Or is a more subtle approach okay?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:40 No.1460425
    Eh, sounds good.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:45 No.1460439
    That's fine, IMO.

    You don't have to be a creepy stalker about it to be devoted to someone.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/02/08(Wed)23:54 No.1460491
    Okay, good.

    Though I am having trouble deciding if now he'll notice her somewhat inconsistent behavior due to the Presence making him pay more attention. But it could also make him gloss it over in order to construct an image of her as perfect in his head. He's not exactly the most perceptive guy, so I decided he didn't put two and two together before this.

    The inconsistency is that she looks and acts like she's on high humanity, but then she does stuff like gets all those peasants killed then acts like she's upset about it, or wants to torture an Assamite then denies that, or wants to lynch a witch then denies THAT.

    The ST was just like, "IT'S UP TO YOU" but I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/08(Wed)23:59 No.1460522
    I like it. It sounds good and outside of the box.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:00 No.1460527
    Which one, noticing or continuing to not notice?

    >> GARdian 04/03/08(Thu)00:03 No.1460541

    Notice. Moar drama that way, and Vampire is mainly drama wankery. Not that there's something wrong with that, mind you.
    >> Commissar Winston Churchill !SOYF9p.kEg 04/03/08(Thu)00:04 No.1460551

    Notice that you're continuing to not notice.

    The best of both worlds!
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:07 No.1460575
    Uh, our game's mostly politics/plot with drama as a sauce and a side dish of ass-kicking (combat or no).

    >> GARdian 04/03/08(Thu)00:09 No.1460593

    I consider politics to be drama wankery on a large scale. But then again, I'm notorious for being overly direct about everything and being just lucky or skilled enough to get away with it. My best friend calls me Plot-Fucker, and it's not a compliment.
    >> Commissar Winston Churchill !SOYF9p.kEg 04/03/08(Thu)00:11 No.1460616

    As a Political Sciences major, I have a feeling I would love your games as a nice change of pace.

    The games I end up in always end up being primarily door kicking. Possibly with intervals of hitting on anything with breasts in a bar while everyone who wants to do something else plays Smash Brothers until they're needed at the table again.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:13 No.1460637
    Be needlessly helpful in the direction of your own morality. After all, there's no way that such a vision of perfection could possibly truly wish to act in an immoral fashion - surely it must be the Beast gnawing away at her core principles.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:14 No.1460641
    Yeah, see, when my character was that direct, it didn't work out so well.

    QUESTION: Who do I trust, a Tremere or an ugly witchpire who isn't a Tremere who stole his book?
    ANSWER: Well, the Tremere's a guy and also not twisted-looking or a thief so I'll trust him. Also he isn't pissing off the werewolves in the forest next to my manor. DIE FOUL MONSTER!
    RESULT: Kidnapped by witches who also kill one of my men and attack those of my grandsire, unable to retaliate because they're female, and forced into teaching Obten to one of them.

    Aw man, that sucks! I mean, door-kicking can be fun too, but I like the meat of my game to involve thinking.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:14 No.1460646
    does anyone even play Nosferatu
    >> GARdian 04/03/08(Thu)00:15 No.1460652

    You need more training.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:15 No.1460659
    Lulz, look at all this wanking.
    >> Commissar Winston Churchill !SOYF9p.kEg 04/03/08(Thu)00:16 No.1460665

    Door-kicking is fine, yeah. But it's also fun to, like, not kick doors. Sometimes it's fun to engage the doors in their court and negotiate a treatise with them and secure official documents allowing your passage through said doors.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:18 No.1460677
    Playing one in my upcoming Sabbat game, also the one time I tried LARPing.

    I made the decision based on the character, not what I thought was smart. Personally, I think they were both lying to some extent and I'd have been fucked had I helped her, too.

    Also, it actually worked out for me in the end (hasn't bitten me in the ass yet), since the witches then got the fuck out of there once they were done.

    Sometimes THAT is more badass.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:22 No.1460703
    >Playing one in my upcoming Sabbat game, also the one time I tried LARPing.

    details?... I'm trying to put one together
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:27 No.1460738
    The LARP one was quickly made and fairly generic, but I made him timid, with a lisp and a limp, and the Prince mocked me mercilessly and called me "Thomath".

    The Sabbat one's not fully fleshed out (actually, I was thinking of asking /tg/ for advice at some point), but so far I know she's going to be someone who worked in a wax museum that was the family business. She's gonna have high social traits and take mostly Obfuscate; also she's going to have some nickname involving "crab" since she'll have long, spindly legs, (probably) a hunchback, and one arm that's significantly larger than the other one.

    And as for ideas... maybe you could do something with Animalism? That could be fun if you twist it a bit. A guy in our group once played a Ravnos that used animals as scouts and all sorts of stuff. Hmm...
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:29 No.1460748

    Will people hit her weak point for massive damage (if you know what I mean)?
    >> GARdian 04/03/08(Thu)00:32 No.1460766

    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:32 No.1460771
    Oh yeah, baby.
    Actually, they're not going to be able to tell that she's female because of all the ugly, and she'll use Obfuscate 3 for both males and females. That'll be fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:34 No.1460779

    So you hide your gender in make believe but wear it on your sleeve on an anonymous imageboard?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)00:40 No.1460824
    Aren't you clever. About 4 posts out of at least 60 have actually said my gender. You COULD guess it from other posts, and I don't mention it unless it's relevant. Most of the time, it's other people who are like LOL THE GIRL POSTED in threads where I haven't even said anything to imply it.

    Or did you want a long, angry post? 'Cause I could whip one up, but it'd be sub-par.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:41 No.1460832
    (Please note that most of this is from memory. The hypothetical character was thought up somewhere around a year ago so my details may be a tad off.)

    Not sure if the topic is still ridiculous things to do, but I did notice a lack of Tremere. A hypothetical character, it abused the rituals. It focused mainly on the ritual allowing you to make an small object into a blood point holder-thing.

    By making a few dozen bullets into happy blood point holders and shooting someone with three rounds, you can will the bloody little bastards to release their stored blood (Which was yours, incidentally) instantaneously bonding someone to you. Yay broken blood bonding.

    Combine that with the discipline of turning yourself into any material and the "movement to the motionless" or whatever one and you could turn yourself into a walking titanium statue. (Assuming the GM let you get away with it.)

    Finally, re-abusing the blood point holders, shove a bunch of pennies into yourself that have been converted. Like, two dollars worth.

    By the end of this, you're a walking titanium monstrosity with 200 extra blood points on hand and the ability to shoot people and make them blood bound. My intent was to turn the Boston philharmonic into ghouls and have them follow my character around to play dramatic music when things were happening.

    Tossing in the "moving things with your mind" one and you're some kind of Vampire sith...Now have your lackeys play duel of the fates and enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)00:43 No.1460855
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    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:06 No.1461037
    dammit now I want to do this.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:13 No.1461083
    You happen to know why all these idiots rage so much especially at the hint females use the net? I have been trying to understand it but I just plain CAN'T.

    I guess it's because I'm not remotely stupid enough to do that kinda shit and I don't have enough empathy to understand why they would want to.

    That's my irl flaw I guess you could throw in some sort of rp session.

    "Tries to understand things that your brain isn't wired to understand and even when you realize this you STILL try and understand it. "

    Yay for being fucked in the head.

    Oh well at least I get a check every month for not doing anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:16 No.1461096

    Fuck off feminist sympathizer. Your kind's not wanted here.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)01:17 No.1461097
    Because they still think that TITS OR GTFO is funny, whereas people who have been on 4chan for more than a year find it a little stale. Or they're just bad trolls.

    Anyway, off to bed with me. I almost want to request an archive for this thread since it's been so robust and aliiiiive.
    >> Commissar Winston Churchill !SOYF9p.kEg 04/03/08(Thu)01:17 No.1461100

    But it lacks life-like texture.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)01:19 No.1461112

    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:23 No.1461131
    That's hilarious in your idiocy. One for thinking this obviously transparent idiotic trolling is funny, and two for saying me and feminist in the same sentence.

    I LOATHE feminists because they are for helping women get better treatment,and just women, even if the guys deserve shit just as much as them.

    At the end of the day the only difference between someone who has a dick and someone who has a cunt to me, is someone who is cool I'd like to hang with or some one is cool and I want to screw.

    If they are an idiotic shithead then they are an idiotic shithead regardless, and the only things that changes are the precise insults I use on them.

    Contrary to idiotic popular majority belief here, discrimination is pointless, not particularly funny.

    Seriously what passes for humor here makes me wonder if most people here are legally able to look at porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:28 No.1461154
    >someone who is cool I'd like to hang with or some one is cool and I want to screw

    so now women can't be your friends is what you're saying? they're just sex objects to you?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:30 No.1461162
    Nope, I'm just saying GENERALLY cool chicks I talk to for any length of time I USUALLY start having a thing for eventually.

    I assume my dick starts thinking for me eventually pointing out if a chick likes to be around me long enough MAYBE I actually have a chance. Or at least that's how it seems to work.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:31 No.1461167

    so the only women you want to hang out with are ones you want to fuck then? what about the unattractive women out there? are they not good enough for you?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:31 No.1461168
    Not only are Demons immune to all mind influencing effects (Because their mind is technically out of the loop, everything upstairs is being run by the soul of a fallen angel who went against the word of god. Your jedi mind tricks pale in comparison.) there is also a Lore of Fire that at pretty low levels lets you just set someone on fire. Snap, one vampire burnt to death.

    One of the weaknesses Demons have is that they have nothing similar to the auto-successes of Potence, or anything like Celerity barring the faith-points-for-extra-actions thing, which is much much weaker (one action per faith point, and if you run out of faith points you loose all your demon powers). A lot of the Demon powers are on a different scale though. Summoning hurricanes, setting off earthquakes, using the twisted voice of god himself to call down a fiery holocaust to obliterate your foes... You're playing with powers that are hard-wired into the fabric of the universe. You ARE the cheat-code.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:32 No.1461169
    I'd be doomed if I were you.
    I make friends of women easier than I do with men. Haven't the slightest idea why.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:33 No.1461178

    Because you're safe and they know that you'll never try to put the moves on them.

    Guys laugh at you because you're a beta male.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:36 No.1461182
    Political commentary is the cancer that is killing /tg/
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:37 No.1461185

    Fa/tg/uys are the cancer that is killing /tg/.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:39 No.1461191
    Obvious troll is ooooobvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:40 No.1461195
    I think I worded that a bit incorrectly. I do that alot.

    I think what I was shooting for is that it's the personality that matters and that the physical just influences who I'd want to have sex with, which would be women in this case.

    Though as I said I DO seem to have this bad habit of getting things for chicks I talk to for very long at all.

    and it never goes anywhere naturally.

    eh, well I'm not big on having TONS of friends at a time. and it just usually turns out that half the chicks I talk to are relatively attractive as well as cool.

    Fat lot of good it does me, as they tend to be taken or just plain not interested. Or seem to love giving me nice mixed signals.

    Anyway I think I cleared up my point now, and stop trying to twist things on me okay?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:41 No.1461196

    Yes he is, shall we kill him with fire now?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:42 No.1461200

    stop being subconsciously sexist and being so defensive about it, you chauvinist pig.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:43 No.1461202
    Your troll-fu is weak.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:48 No.1461221
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    >> Salamanders Fanboi !!Wyx1pV1wpO9 04/03/08(Thu)01:48 No.1461222
    All women are dirty cheating lying manipulative whores. Some are just better at supressing it than others.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:49 No.1461227
    Because without fa/tg/uys, there'd just be ca/tg/irls. And then this would be /d/.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:49 No.1461228
    Oh, other fun thing about demons: They don't need to spend faith points to use 90% of their demon powers. Yeah, lighting you on fire? Can do that for free. Transforming into the avatar of their demonic/angelic form gaining a fistfull of new powers? No cost other than possibly causing Revalation in some mortals (Oh, you had a ghoul? Now it's just a mindless husk). Enchanting an item with the power of one of their lores so that one of their fanatical followers can now fight using their master's demon powers as well? Yeah, that might cost a willpower point.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:51 No.1461241

    /d/ is all women?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:53 No.1461252
    Only girls I know who are 4channers tend to go there all the time for Transformers porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:54 No.1461261
    And here I was under the impression that /y/ was for transformer porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:56 No.1461269

    Pics of this or GTFO.

    Girls looking at Transformers porn. Not the Transformers porn itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)01:59 No.1461289
    My group has a Tremere character in it who munchkins subtly by being immune to as much stuff as possible. Willpower 10, 7th gen, Auspex 5, Courage 5, that Prescence-reflecting ritual plus her thaumaturgy has turned her into an innofensive but smug juggernaut of npc-humiliation.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)02:02 No.1461314
    Speaking of which, /r/ suggestions for ST-annoying things you can conjure with Magic of the Smith.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)02:10 No.1461349
    I'll try to take a pic this weekend on nerd day.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)02:11 No.1461358

    Good. I'm prepping to fap now.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)02:34 No.1461467
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    OP here.

    Moar Jeanette for you.
    And now, to bed with me.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)03:46 No.1461815
    nsfw vamp links?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)03:52 No.1461841
    holy hell this thread took a dive straight into shit the second /m/shi left
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)03:52 No.1461842
    Google "vampire porn" and enjoy your shitty fetish models with plastic teeth.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)05:09 No.1462156
    why does everyone forget temporis and the true brujha from VtM, now that was a fucked up discipline, basically celerity on crack, also the assamite discipline, or thamturgy for gods sake, setites, salubri, giovannie...damn it seems like everything that came out after the main clans was just begging to be abused

    If you want to be a power house in VtR just play a mekhet, not only do they get celerity and obfuscate, they are also the only clan that gets the counter to obfuscate. from there you want to chose circle of the crone, or ordo dracul.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)05:28 No.1462202
    Go crone, if you want retarded wonky powers. The only Ordo power worth having is Beast 1, imo. The other coil benefits are nice but easily avoidable most of the time. And coils get really, really expsnive if you try to stack them.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)05:30 No.1462205
    Also, Temporis (iirc) was kinda lame. the mid-upper tier powers had you suckin' up unsoakable agg for significant changes. Made sense, they wanted to keep it gimped so people weren't pulling T-rexes and A-Bombs into present day easily.

    Now if i were a marauder.... T-rex wearing an A-bomb. MARAUDER, FUCK YEAH
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)10:37 No.1463216
    Goddamn you, this is the only picture I'd be willing to take of myself for /tg/.

    Scrutinizing (in a top hat and monocle) that doujinshi of Optimus raping Megatron, over tea.

    Oh wow, you're right.

    Because most GMs won't let you play a True Brujah or a Salubri.

    And fewer wouldn't let you play an Assamite or a Setite. Quietus is obviously broken (and will get you killed if you abuse it too much), and Serpentis is just plain badass.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:15 No.1463333
    There are what, seven Salubri left by the time modern nights roll around?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:20 No.1463354
    In "theory". And you know, there are no facts in oWoD, just theories from various sides.

    There's also the antitribu, and iirc those 7 were healers, so some non-antitribu warriors might remain too.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:24 No.1463364
    Didn't the antitribu also get wiped out? I can't recall.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:48 No.1463470
    Never heard about that, but i haven't bought all that many fluffbooks.

    The only antitribu i remember being wiped out are the Tremere.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:50 No.1463476

    Nope. They're in the Sabbat. Sorta like specialized Tremere hunters.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:51 No.1463483
    sage /tg/
    Many times I've browsed /tg/ and been really annoyed that this vampire bullshit keeps popping up. The shitty as fuck rpg is one thing, but the goddamn video game needs to choke you, then itself (with a phone cord) to death.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)11:53 No.1463489
    Troll or didn't read? We may never know.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)12:03 No.1463533
    Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)13:34 No.1463984

    Possibility: Wizened soldier. Dex 4. Finesse merit. Weaponry 5. It's only 9 dice, but for the low, low price of 1 glamour you get the 9-again rule on your attacks. You can take the Token merit at 3 to also get a +1L damage weapon that has a Toxicity of 9. That means it'll subtract 9 dice from the resistance roll, pretty much dropping the roll to a chance and nearly always dealing 9 automatic lethal damage every time you even so much as scrape them.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)14:25 No.1464310
    Playing against type, but not really. Love it. Like Rincewind the Tremere or a weeaboo Toreador.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)14:28 No.1464332
    Oh, come on, fa/tg/uys.

    You're not mentioning the clan that can, in fact, do everything.

    The Giovanni.

    Think about it. I'm a Giovanni Charachter. I can summon fucking wraiths to deal with your meat shield. You can have celerity four and potence five, but you know, you can't hit a wraith. You can't even hit a ghost. Bu they can hit you. Hard. with spiky objects.

    If somehow you can defeat the ghost - and i would like to know how, maybe some second hand tremere ritual.. but still, if you can defeat my spiritual army i can depend on the classical undead - not much of a treat, but still useful in large numbers.

    You get past the undead? It's dominate time. Who's your daddy? Bravo ragazzo..

    You have iron will, or what else? Well, it seems lie it's time to punch a hole in your face with the aforementioned potence, and to soak your puny hits with fortitde because, yes, I was a ghoul before, so it seems like I can take fortitude as an in-clan discipline.

    If this wasn't enough, I am richer than Ventrue and Dirtier than your average Brujah. I have family ties in every single sector of this city economy. Hell, I have family ties in every singòle sector of this city underworld! You can't hope to find a giovanni that'll fight against me, 'cos we are family, and our only "competitors", the harbringer of skulls, are few in numbers and usually nuclearized upon arrival within a thousand mile from a giovanni stronghold.

    Giovanni Family is a broken clan? hell yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)14:50 No.1464491
    I can't remember their name, but the Lasombra had a half-fey bloodline with a discipline that let you mind rape people. The best part is, if you got it to 7 dots, you could STEAL SKILL DOTS. It doesn't get much more game-breaking than that.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)14:55 No.1464530
    The Kiasyd, yeah. They had another that let them turn any wooden structure into a spiked deathtrap.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)15:06 No.1464582
    Kiasyd, fuck yeah.
    Mytherceria is awesome, especially in elder levels.
    Steal the Mind and Absorb the Mind?
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)16:44 No.1465243
    Sorry, what?

    SILLY BLUE FUCKERS. Most GMs also probably wouldn't let you play them, though. They're the only clan where you can probably legitimately say, "I read for 300 years."

    >Rincewind the Tremere

    Some non-stereotypical character concepts that me and my group have played (NPCs and PCs):
    -Happy-go-lucky one-eyed & deaf ex-DJ Brujah (never frenzied a single time; the player was totally trying to out-cripple me)
    -Nerdy wheelchair-bound Gangrel accountant (yes, the one I won't shut up about; he was prone to trolling forums in his spare time)
    -Drug-dealing Toreador dick extraordinaire
    -Honest, almost friendly Lasombra knight (has the same nature as his demeanor and pretty much nothing to hide; blunt+lasombra almost never happens)
    -Lasombra with Vicissitude; total badass fighter/strategist who is less into torture than he's into freedom (and a dash of corruption and the betterment of the self through pain). Sire of above (much more of a dick then, though).
    -Tremere spying on the group (only disciplines = Dominate and Presence) pretending to be a Malkavian with MPD
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)16:50 No.1465291
    Italianfag here. The thing i hate about how WW wrote the giovanni are mostly two.

    1) they're basically a mafia family. based in Venice.



    2) their headquarters is a skyscraper. in Venice.


    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)16:57 No.1465322
    M-maybe they moved to be SNEAKY? (no)
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)16:59 No.1465330

    Don't forget Campania and Calabria.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)18:28 No.1465797
    Vampire magic
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)18:53 No.1465879
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)19:26 No.1466043

    Too True. We need moar Changeling and Wraith in here.


    This is just Epic.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/08(Thu)21:57 No.1466876

    Har! I played a one-eyed Gangrel Librarian pacifist. The worst thing she ever did was Flip the bird to a Torreador Princess.
    >> / !/////m/ShI 04/03/08(Thu)22:23 No.1466978

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